
Bride Refuses To Ask Parents To Wedding For Giving Away Childhood Dog

There is a lot to take into consideration when planning a wedding, with one of the main things being who you are going to invite.

However, one woman's story of why she is refusing to invite her own parents and brother to her wedding has had the internet in an uproar.

The bride-to-be's story revolves around a 14-year-old grudge.

Unsplash | Cássio Jardim

This bridezilla's story was shared as she wanted to figure out if she was in the wrong, and it started like so:

"So I (23F) am getting married to my fiancé (23M), who I met in college. Most of his immediate and extended family will be there, as well most of my extended. However, I am only planning on inviting my younger (19F) sister to the wedding. This means that my mum (45), dad (47) and brother (25) will not be coming."

The reason behind her not inviting her parents and brother was not what you may ever have expected.

Unsplash | Cristian Castillo

"The reason for this is when I was younger (around 9) my parents rescued a Golden Retriever puppy from the shelter, named Harry. My family quickly fell in love with Harry, however, I feel as though my bond with him was extra special," she wrote.

However, her brother soon became allergic to Harry:

"My parents told us that we'd have to re-home Harry, but assured us that he'd be going to a good home. I tried to convince them to give my brother medication for his allergy, but they told me that medication for dog allergies can have long lasting side effects. Harry did go to a good home, but to say that I resented them for it would be an understatement."

Her brother's health clearly not important to her, she decided to move from the UK to the US as a result of her resentment.

Unsplash | Orlova Maria

Unsurprisingly, her family were not too pleased when they found out that they would not be allowed to attend her wedding:

"Needless to say, my family didn't take the news lightly. When they asked me why, I explained to them that I hadn't forgiven them for rehoming Harry, and that their presence would make things awkward for me.

"My parents are apparently really upset about this according to my older brother, who called me 'evil' for doing what I'm doing, since my parents paid for my college tuition, as well as helping me pay the rent for my current apartment. My fiancé says that it's up to me, and that if I don't want my family at my wedding, then he isn't going to disagree with me."

People were, quite naturally, amazed that she had held such a grudge for fourteen years!

For a lot of sane individuals, the idea of being this selfish was understandably a bit of a shock, with some of the top responses being:

"[You're the asshole here]. Go see someone. A 14 year grudge bc your brother was allergic?"

"Normally I am 100% it's your decision who to have at your wedding and it is still your choice but this is ridiculous. Your reasoning is crap. Your brother was allergic to the dog and they re-homed him. They had to choose between the health and comfort of their literal child and keeping a dog in the house. Staying mad that they chose the child is absurd. And you're not inviting your brother to your wedding because he's allergic to dogs aka something that's entirely out of his control. The whole thing is just incredibly petty."

"You are destroying your relationship because they needed to ensure that your brother wasn't sick in his own home. Get over yourself."

A lot of people were perplexed why her moral standpoint had allowed for her to let her parents pay her rent.

"Very convenient that the grudge didn't prevent her from letting them pay her rent. Sturdy morals you got there, OP," was the tone that a lot of responses also took.

However, the bride-to-be did helpfully clear this morally grey area up by writing an update:

"People keep mentioning the fact that my parents are paying my rent for me. The rent they pay is only $1500 towards my $3000 a month rent (I live in LA). [...] People here do realise that my parents are only sending £1100 a month due to the exchange rate right?"

Doesn't she just sound delightful?

The idea that someone could be capable of being so selfish is a bit of a shock, but there are all sort of people on this planet of ours I guess! I think that things might not bode well for the groom-to-be, as one other person pointed out:

"There is a lesson to be learned for OP’s future husband. OP doesn’t forgive and she doesn’t forget, and she will hold a grudge for years. Annnnd she will blame people for things that are beyond their control. There are some red flags here. Too bad the intended seems to be wearing rose colored glasses."

Let us know what you make of this story in the comments below!

h/t: Reddit

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