20 Hilarious Things People Saw While Behind The Wheel

Driving can be a very mundane activity, especially when you are on your daily commute. However, sometimes something can come along on the road and knock your socks off.

So, from people who had a full time job as someone else's engine to individuals who wore unbelievably incredible helmets, here are 20 hilarious things that people saw behind the wheel!

"Repair on the go..."

"Dave, when you said that you would be able to fix my car, I didn't imagine that it would involve you just sitting on my car's engine all the damn time."

"Well it's fixed isn't it? Now, shut up and slow down, you've got a turn coming up."

"Runs and drives great."

This is actually a completed truck, it is just painted a camouflage aesthetic which makes it hard to see the bodywork. All you would need to do is replace those tyres with some camouflage tyres and you own the first invisible truck!

"Piggybacking a ride on the back of a van headed on to the Freeway!"

Looks like the person on the back of that van is going places! And I mean that in the literal sense, they're either going wherever this van is going or they are going straight to the ER. I know which one is more likely.

"There's a town in Massachusetts called Sandwich and their cop cars read 'Sandwich Police.'"

"Excuse me sir, but do you know why we have pulled you over today?"

"Not really officer, does it have something to with... Wait, are you, sniffing my sandwich?"

"I think that we are going to have to confiscate this, a BLT with no mayo is a crime."

"Traffic police officer in front of a primary school."

I like to imagine that this was not actually this officer's idea, and that he has been forced to wear this by the higher ups. Inside he is furious at the "safety dinosaur man" that he has become of late!

"My town's too small to connect with the highway to hell, but we make do."

I would absolutely rather listen to a version of the song that was called Highway To Heck, which sounds more like a Weird Al cover of Highway To Hell now that I think about it. We need to make this happen.

"My neighbor explaining what happened in their traffic incident report."

I genuinely do not know what else the officers would need to know? Also, the expressiveness captured in that deer's face is masterful, you can really see the panic and the fear of what is to come. It's a work of art.

"A wind storm blew a porto-potty into an intersection in Pittsburgh, PA the other week..."

Well, all that I can hear when I look at this is the noise that the Tardis makes when it lands in Doctor Who. I guess that the BBC really had to slash the show's budget for the newest series!

"Max 80, Chevs do the best you can."

I have never owned a Chevrolet so I cannot attest to their ability to get to 80, and to stay at 80 for any length of time! My first car would struggle to get to 80, but I think that is a staple of most people's first cars.

"Driving for 3 years with the security sticker on his helmet. After removed by police a whole new world opened up to him."

By God, that must have been one hell of a revelation when this guy could finally see the road in front of him. I am actually impressed that he had not crashed before, is this guy a Jedi or something?

"Highway sign on 93 south in Medford mass."

I like what they've done here, and I really kind of hoped that it would have finally made a difference to people's attitudes towards "blinkahs". Although, as one local person explained, "Medford area [resident] here, can absolutely confirm no one uses their blinkah."

"How am I driving?"

These questions really ramp up in difficulty pretty damn quick. Although, I think that the answer to the last one may simply be, "For sport." As to the engine one, I guess that the answer must simply be "magic," right?

"A truck I saw while in traffic."

In fairness, it is not the existence of trucks that people get a little antsy about, it is the fact that, as someone else pointed out: "If they just stop blocking the left lane for twenty minutes because they're going .0000001 mph faster than the other truck I'd be fine with them."

"That time I was at the McDonald's drive through and got side eyed by a dog in a backpack."

That dog clearly wanted to go to the KFC drive through instead but got overruled due to the fact that... Well, due to the fact that it is a dog in a backpack. He looks remarkably calm all things considered though.

"Idiot doesn't know how to haul a ladder properly."

Alas, if only this person had some form of truck with which they could properly haul a ladder! What an absolute tragedy it is that this poor guy is stuck with a vehicle that is not a truck in any way!

If It Bleeds... We Can Kill It!

Understandably, the person who posted this wrote, "Saw this coming up in my rear view mirror and nearly lost my [expletive]." I can imagine this putting quite a few people on edge, I wonder if they also have speakers in it so that it makes that weird clicking sound that the predator makes?

"Carrots are supposed to be good for your vision right? Pretty sure this isn't how that works though."

I wonder what that person in the high-vis jacket is saying to the individual driving this death trap? Whatever it is, I cannot imagine that they are commending this guy on his impromptu repairs! I don't know how you would even see through that?

"My GPS was being a little snarky today in traffic."

I am getting the sense that this might actually be one of those instances where it is quicker to just get out and walk. There are few things like a traffic jam to make you want to pull your hair out and walk into the ocean.

Beware His Fury!

I always like it when people name their cars after famously terrifying figures from history. I mean, cannot think of another instance where this has been done, but it should be a much more commonplace occurrence...for no real reason other than idle curiosity at what people come up with!


As cute as this is, I just could not drive along with my dog hanging halfway out of the window, I'd be panicking he would fall out. And yes, here is captain health and safety to ruin everyone's fun! You're welcome!

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