
Delta Worker Shares Hack For People Dealing With Their Period On A Flight

Getting your period unexpectedly can be something that's a huge issue when you're in a situation without a pad or a tampon. Sometimes, when you're out and forget to pack one, it's a total emergency. But, when you're on something like an airplane, it definitely can be a huge issue.

There's nothing like being thousands of feet in the air and realizing you don't have any products to help you.

One Delta worker shared on TikTok that if you fly Delta, you're in luck.

In the bathroom, the worker shared that under the mirror there is a secret button that can be pushed and help women who are in this "emergency" period situation. The mirror opens up with some must-have products for any woman who is stuck on a flight.

There are tons of necessities under that sink.

The Delta worker shared that there are pads, some wipes, and tampons as well for people who fly Delta and need it. When you're on an airplane and get your period out of nowhere, you may not have everything you need. Delta's here to help.

The flight attendant also showed other things kept in the bathroom.

Some flight bathrooms look small and lack some things that people may need, but in these secret spots, they keep a few extras. Why are they hidden? Well, many commented that during turbulence on planes, everything can fly around if they're out in the open.

People on TikTok were grateful for the information.

Unsplash | Ross Parmly

Many people on TikTok thanked the Delta worker for sharing the information. But, others who worked for other flights said that they also keep extra female products and bathroom around handy for passengers if they should ever need them, too!