
Mom's Simple Hack Teaches Children To Dial Phone Numbers In Emergencies

Who here is good at remembering phone numbers? I have to admit I suck at it. I only remember a few, ha, ha. But I'm also a visual person, so that's good.

There is a #MomHack that's circulating online that is really helpful at teaching kids how to remember important phone numbers. I probably need to take this lesson, too.

Check this out.

Remember when I showed you a clever mom who developed a clean way for kids to do finger painting? Well, she's at it again. This time she has a great hack to teach the kiddos how to remember phone numbers.

Her idea is quite simple.

Unsplash | Bagus Hernawan

You basically recreate the screen of the phone. That way, the kids can visualize punching the numbers. Aha! What a great idea, right? I mentioned that I'm a visual person, so this is typically how I remember things, too.

So, let's see how she created this pretend phone.

First, she copied the face of the phone and its numbers onto a Ziploc bag with a permanent marker. Then, she put some hair gel inside and sealed it up. After that, she glued it onto cardboard.

She secured the bag onto the carboard with another cutout.

Then, she used a dry erase marker to write the phone number down. Now the kiddos can practice punching the numbers on the fake phone. Such a clever idea, huh?

So why did she put hair gel inside the Ziploc?

I guess so it would be more fun for the kids to punch the numbers. They'll feel more they're pressing on something squishy, ha, ha! I sure like that idea.

It seems that this video resonated with a lot of people.

It got about 415,000 likes on TikTok. Wow, that's great. Isn't it? Some folks commented that they're saving this idea for when they have kids. I bet it'll come in handy then.

She also asked people to tell her how they remember learning phone numbers.

Unsplash | NordWood Themes

Honestly, I usually try to repeat my own number a few times until my mind registers it. It also helps when you recite it to someone, too.

Some of the responses she got were pretty funny.

Why would a mom put it in your shoe? I guess she had to do it for every pair the kid had. That's a lot of work, ha, ha! Good for her, though.

So what do you think of this #MomHack?

Would you use it with your kids? Heck, I need to make this for myself, so I don't wear my phone out practicing on it. That's actually not a bad idea after all.

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