Unsplash | Priscilla Du Preez

Dating 'Expert' Says Men Must Always Pay On First Date — Apparently Lives In The Past

If you've ever dated, then you've probably faced the dilemma of who should pay for the first date. Should the person who asked you out pay? Should you split it both ways? Is there even a right answer?

Well, according to one TikToker, the only right answer is to let the man pay for the woman every time (in regards to heterosexual relationships, at least).

Dating advice, courtesy of TikTok.

Unsplash | Wiktor Karkocha

TikTok user @ask.nelly posted a very controversial take to the platform recently. Titling the video "I said what I said," she goes into detail about how a man should always pay for the first date, and never let the woman pay no matter what.

It's a very strong stance.

According to her, men who let women pay for the first date are "cheap," "weren't raised right," aren't "chivalrous," and are probably going on a date they can't even afford. That's...quite an interesting take.

And no woman actually wants to pay, apparently.

She continues on, saying that "even the most progressive girls who insist they split it with [men] and say they don't mind... do mind. Not because they can't afford it, but because it shows us [his] character."

This seems like an oddly generalized statement.

Because they should know their worth?

She then ends by telling any woman who pays for their first dates with men that "he ain't it, sis." With that, the TikTok concludes.

The comments went wild.

Because this is the internet, everyone has an opinion, and many are unafraid to let theirs be known.

The comment section is pretty divided, with very few being able to form a consensus on the poster's take either way.

Some couldn't agree more.

There were definitely a bunch of people who agreed with these sentiments. "She's right... it's not fair but she's right. Know the game fellas," one comment says.

Others really didn't like it.

Some people were vehemently against what @ask.nelly had to say. "Um saying you don't mind paying and the guy actually doesn't pay and you judge that because of what you said is plain MANIPULATION," says another comment.

Some were a bit more in the middle.

One commenter wrote, "Lol what? It's 2021. Whoever asks the other person out should pay for the date." That seems like a reasonable middle ground.

Does she have a point?

Well, you definitely shouldn't date outside of your financial means. No first date is worth blowing all of your paycheck.

At the same time, though...it's 2021. We probably shouldn't be putting so much pressure on the first date.

So, who's right?

What do you think? Should men always pay for the first date? Is it okay for women to split the bill, or even pay for the entire date themselves? Is this even a debate worth having in 2021?

h/t to LAD Bible.