
30 Pics That Weren't Supposed To Be So Funny

There are times when something is funny because it's intended to be funny, and there are times when something is funny because, well, it's just plainly funny — regardless of intent.

Oftentimes, this comes down to impeccable timing on the part of the photographer. These pics aren't trying to be funny, but they just can't help themselves.

So long bumper.

Reddit | DauphDaddy

I'm sure the driver was hoping for a memorable pic when they ripped through this giant puddle, but this probably isn't what they had in mind.

Big whoops.

Reddit | smashley1128

I love the facial expressions here. The kid is either terrified or resigned to what's about to happen, while Dad has just realized what's going on.

Just before disaster.

Reddit | SpankyNoodle

In this freeze-frame, everything is fine. I'm guessing about an eighth of a second later, though, there was a lot of crying.


Everything I know about toucans comes for a certain cereal box mascot. I had no idea they would do stuff like this.


Reddit | [deleted]

I think she was looking for a cool Insta photo. I think the seagull was looking for some ice cream.

You're probably wondering how I wound up here...

Reddit | mthofi

I wonder what the biggest hit was at this Halloween party: the costumes in the foreground, or the impact in the background.

Selfie time.

Reddit | rLal1998

It's hard to judge this guy. Most of us couldn't stand upright on a paddle board, let alone take a selfie.

The leaning tower.

Reddit | bfrickey

Here's a vintage example of perfect timing. I'm surprised that the old-timey film was up to the task of capturing this moment.

Savannah pls.

Reddit | BONNI_

Down at the DQ, employees are sick of being short-staffed. Savannah, wherever you are, c'mon. It's time to go back to work.

Imposter syndrome.

Reddit | Balloon_911

Jets have wings, birds have wings. Jets can fly, birds can fly. Why shouldn't this bird dare to dream a little?

Aged like milk.

Reddit | kgunnar

After the events of 2020 and 2021, I never want to see a sign like this ever again.

Cool trick.

Reddit | menesesnando

This guy's either figured out the secret of a levitating hat, or his hat is about to get awfully dusty.

Thanks, I hate it.

Reddit | iNeedHealing24_7

Do you ever see something that's supposed to be uplifting and it just...isn't? Yeah, me neither.

So long, shades.

Reddit | bastard_vampire

This is just brilliant. It's too bad about that guy's sunglasses, but I absolutely love both facial expressions here.


Reddit | defierofnorms23

No big deal, just mom protecting her baby while making a highlight reel one-handed grab to deny the other spectators.

Ease up.

Reddit | seriesfeel55

I don't think this guy's head is stuck in the ceiling. I think they just tossed him a little too high. I guess we'll never know.

Looks slippery.

Reddit | KevlarYarmulke

A moment ago, they were standing. In a moment, they'll crash into the ice. But right now, they're suspended in air.

One is not like the others.

Reddit | pyoung1996

Apparently the girl in the middle pushed the girl in the red, but I think it's possible the girl in red is just way clumsy.

So long, dinner.

Reddit | keahlian8d

I don't want to lecture this guy, but there are better, less risky ways to show off the dinner you just cooked.

Guess I'll be going now.

Reddit | Moby-King

The timing of this pic is amazing. It looks like the driver is not just walking on water, but also in a real hurry to get somewhere.

Smokey says so long.

Reddit | [deleted]

"I work for the forest service and was trying to get a cool photo of my coworker and Smokey Bear. A gust of wind blew my ranger hat off my head right as I snapped the photo and we had to watch it sink into the river."


Reddit | Gingerfox7474

Anyone who's gone sledding a few times has probably had this happen to them, but not many of us have the moment preserved by camera.

Zero shame.

Reddit | nutriera9v

It's easy to look at birds and see them for the majestic creatures they are. Then again, sometimes you'll see a pic like this.

Prepare for impact.

Reddit | InRealLife904

Imagine getting beaten up by a kid in a...what is this? Some kind of lightsaber fight? Either way, imagine losing to a kid and having it captured for posterity...

Dropping in.

Reddit | GallowBoob

We've all heard of crashing a wedding before, but this guy is taking things to the absolute extreme.

Gone fishin'.

Reddit | Frippersinchat

Judging by her expression, she was never confident of her grip on that fish to begin with.


Reddit | UkTapes

Big sister isn't trying to poke her bro in the eye, but it worked out that way — and one of their parents captured it perfectly.

Thanks, grandma.

Reddit | JN992

This guy would look a whole lot more intimidating if his grandma hadn't obviously taken this photo of him.

There it goes!

Reddit | TheGreatJatsby

Unlike some of the other hats flying off heads in this list, at least this one should be easily recoverable.

Nectar of the gods.

Reddit | min-1

Things aligned absolutely perfectly for her drink to be illuminated like this. It would almost be a shame to actually drink it.

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