Keep Homegrown Watermelons Safe And Snug With A DIY Sling

Let me ask you a question: What's your favorite summer fruit? For me, it would have to be watermelon. There's nothing more refreshing than biting into a juicy watermelon on a hot summer day.

I would love to one day grow watermelons in my outdoor garden. If you're able to do so already, I've got a really great tip for you, so keep on reading.

Okay, here's one known fact about watermelons.

Unsplash | Christina Schwab

They can get very heavy. So, how do you even grow them? Well, you can grow them vertically on a trellis. However, it isn't uncommon for them to snap and break the vine.

And then what happens?

Naturally, they fall on the ground, break and splatter all over the place. Yikes! You don't want that to happen to your precious home-grown watermelons. Am I right? But wait, there is something you can actually do about it.

Check this out.

Did you know that people are making watermelon slings to support their heavy weights? OMG, that's ingenious, ha, ha! Why haven't I thought of that? It's such a simple idea, yet it serves such a great purpose.

This is more like it, huh?

Now the watermelon is all snug like a bug in a rug. No matter how heavy it will get, you don't have to worry about it. It won't snap any vines or fall to the ground.

What did I tell you? It's totally brilliant, no?

Whoever came up with this idea has their head screwed on right. And get this, you can even use pantyhose to create a sling for your smaller watermelons. After all, pantyhose can be pretty strong.

Listen up!

For larger watermelons, I suggest using something even stronger, like an old t-shirt or whatnot. Here's what you do: Wrap the t-shirt or pantyhose around your watermelon. Then, make a knot at the top and tie it securely to the trellis.

It's really as easy as that.

Once you do that, you can rest assured that none of your watermelons will go to waste. Oh my goodness, I'm so happy I learned about this hack. Aren't people so smart or what?

Now you can totally school all your neighbors the next time they come over to visit.

I bet they will be so impressed. And, they'll probably think that you have a real green thumb when it comes to gardening, ha, ha!

Have you ever tried this hack to grow your watermelons?

Or did I just blow your mind? If this is the first you've heard of it, save this post for later. And make sure you share it with your friends who want to grow watermelons, too.