
15+ Amazing Things That People Just Happened To Stumble Upon

As kids, we're raised with tales of pirates and adventurers who go on grand travels to discover a secret treasure. It's their sole purpose and often, we'd hope for a similar treasure to dedicate our lives to.

As we grow older, though, life gets in the way and we have nowhere near enough time for treasure hunts. That's what makes stumbling upon amazing things on our own so special.

"This sofa set made out of red bricks."

Whoever it was that managed to make brick look soft has talents far beyond my comprehension.

"Found a magical cove of toys in a tree while I was on a jog."

It looks like a nice little community they've got goin' on here! Maybe they're due for a new resident if you've got any spare toys laying around.

"The reflection from my window decal makes my toilet look like a quest item in a video game."

Not just any item, but the final item. The item you spend all game hunting down, the most prized possession in all the land.

"This phenomenon I captured last week."

According to someone in the comments, these are crepuscular rays, which are sunbeams created when the sun is below the horizon.

Well, those rays mixed with the shadows of the mountainous area.

"I found a metal bat symbol in my yard."

Not every batarang hits and Batman doesn't have time to stop and pick up each one!

"This LED bat symbol [I] saw on the way to work."

Wait, seeing this mixed with the batarang from the last photo makes me wonder something. Is Batman low on work and trying some sort of guerrilla marketing campaign?

"My mother in law left magnifying mirror near the window on a sunny day."

Your house now has a scar but seeing as this could have ended way worse, that's just fine.

"This pen that looks like a musket that I bought in Gettysburg."

Too bad it only has enough ink for one word, and it takes forever to reload.

"There’s a skatepark shaped like bacon and eggs an hour out of Seattle."

Might be best to visit that park when it's overcast. Too much sun hitting that pan and you might start frying!

"My son likes to make 'traffic jams' with his Hot Wheels. This is his latest traffic nightmare."

You might want to brace yourself for the future as it seems your son enjoys creating chaos for fun. Who knows how that will manifest later on.

"[I] found a cool fossil in a pile of rocks [I] bought for my landscaping."

It's baffling to me how someone can just randomly find a fossil. Millions and millions of years of history in the palm of your hand, just out of the blue. Terrifying.

"Our remote has a slide out keyboard."

Is this new? Will this become standard? Will the days of slowly typing with the arrow buttons finally be over?

"The used copy of the book '*Toilet: How It Works*,' which I bought online, previously belonged to the library in...Flushing (NY)."

This is a coincidence that feels too silly to be true, but it is and that's amazing!

"On the back of a bag of Nutritional Yeast Flakes."

For something called nutritional yeast flakes, 'pretty good' is all I'm looking for.

"This tree eating a sign."

Or it's trying to communicate and tell you some of its favorite hobbies. How it swims doesn't matter as long as it has fun.

"The soap at this car wash changes color as you scrub."

They have to come up with some way to make cleaning your car a fun and interesting activity.

"My Ramen’s flavouring was pressed into a LEGO man shape."

Not sure how I feel about needing to drown a man in order to eat, but whatever it takes, I guess.

"This snake sword in a cane I found on my walk today."

If I ever need a cane at any point in my life, I'll only use one of these. No exceptions. Snake sword cane or bust.

"My tent instructions have a QR link on how to sort out all problems related to their tent, and how to fight a bear."

Yeah, it's probably best if you study up on this ahead of time. A bear would be super annoyed if you had to break mid-attack to scan a QR code.

"This blueish purple wood louse (that's what I call them, I'm not sure what they are called else where) that I found when stacking wood."

I love learning what people call these, there are so many variations! I call them potato bugs but all my friends call them rolly pollies.

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