
Quotes About Husbands For When We Need To Laugh About Our Own

Marriage is not always a walk in the park but there are certainly some moments that make it all just a little smoother, including some funny quotes about husbands that are right on the money when it comes to just how hilariously true they are.

We've compiled quotes that will sound pretty familiar for literally anyone out there who happens to have a husband.

This is for those with a tough love sense of humor.

Sometimes when a married couple is getting on one another's last nerves, the best quotes to read reflect all of the playful yet cold jabs that wives are tempted to roll out from time to time.

Here's a quote for husbands who really push our buttons.

As soon as they try to place highly unnecessary limitations, husbands have got to go, or at lease be literally unfollowed.

This quote is about husbands who are very slowly growing up.

Maybe it's not something that most wives ever plan to say to their husbands, but it's sure fun to read a quote that says a lot about how long it takes a husband to have a bit of mature flavor.

Finally, we've got one for the wives with some very selective memory.

Somehow we forget to buy something from the store or even what we said a few minutes ago, but when it comes to something annoying that our husbands did, there's just no forgetting.

Let us know what you think of these quotes in the comments and if any or all of them resonate with you.

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