
16+ Times People Should’ve Double-Checked

It is always crucial to make sure that you check over you're work after finishing it to make sure that you haven't made any glaring mistakes — and yes, that was intentional before the comments section bursts into flames.

Anyway, from evil hidden messages from children in sentimental crafts to Zoom mistakes that will cause your head to drop into your hands, here are 14+ times people should've double-checked.

"Daughter made this for me a couple years ago. Look at the back today."

Always make sure you check the things your kids make you for hidden notes! They can be wily creatures!

"Looking for a cake for the English teacher in YOU'RE life? Look no further!"

Guaranteed to give that long-suffering English teacher the nervous breakdown that they have been teetering on the edge of for many years now!

"I'm sorry, this is hilarious..."

That would be one hell of a shock if he had just turned up at the appointment only for the doctor to look at their notes and think, "Yeah, this is much more logical than what I was expecting."

"Salt truck crashes after hitting ice patch."

"You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the ice, not slip on it! Bring balance to the roads, not leave them in slipperiness!"

"Dave, chill out."

"Maybe check the final draft with the customer before setting it in stone..."

"Do you want us to change it?"

"Nah, may as well leave it, she was tight anyway so it's kind of apt."

"Thought we could trust my brother in the bath by himself for half an hour."

The clue that something was going wrong was probably when foam started pouring out from under the bathroom door and down the stairs.

"Yoga pants. We believe it should say star gazer."

I think that I would prefer having "Rezag Rats" on my legs! They sound like a German post-punk band.

"No CDL Required!"

Nothing is going to be more enjoyable than training people in this kind of weather as well! Everyone loves driving in the ice...right, guys?

The Newest Invention!

In a similar vein, one very embarrassed person shared their own invention as such: "One night my dad and I spent hours designing a concept for a drum guitar hybrid, drinking and sketching ideas. Around 3am we realized we'd invented the piano."

The Worst Seat In The Village...

No one likes to be urinated on by a brick wall while they're having a sit down. Well, there are probably some weirdos who do.

"Someone didn't run this one by the editors."

Wearing this badge around and about is a great way to get yourself on a list, and not a list that you want to be on.

"It's time to 'STPO'!"

"Ah, well all of the letters are there and they're nearly in the right order, what more do you want from me?"

"Well, I'd like the letters to have maybe been in the right order as well, Dave."

"Jesus, it's just take, take, take with you, isn't it?!"

Sucks To Be You Amy!

Amy, meetings are not the time for this kind of thing. I mean, if you're going to hide some wine in a coffee cup then that's kind of okay, but this is too far!

"Literally soup..."

I like my soup to be literal, I can't have it any other way. I hate figurative soup, it always tastes of deceit.

"Needless to say, mom and dad weren't too happy with this one."

You would think that someone who makes wedding memorabilia for a living would know how to spell "Wedding," but alas no.

"UPS delivered my new monitor today by dropping it over a 7ft spiked wall."

Ah yes, monitors, those notoriously durable items! Great to see someone having gone above and beyond to make sure a package is delivered!

"Guess I'll settle with 4."

I always get full after my third person anyway, and you want to have room for desert as well.

"Never Lose Hoop!"

"So, I've finished your tattoo..."

"Great, can I see it?"

"In a moment, I would like to ask you first though, are you by any chance big into hoola hooping?"

"No, why?"

"That's unfortunate."

"Fortune is ready for the cookie, boss."

"It was intentional, definitely intentional."

"I don't think I believe you, Dave."

"What makes you say that?"

"Because you're sweating profusely and I saw you asleep at your machine."

"I was...getting into character."

"Apparently I needed some more iron in my diet."

"Make sure you check your meal for iron nails before eating, enjoy!"
