13+ Wild People Who Went From Zero To 60 In No Time

Have you ever driven with someone who treats the rules of the road like suggestions, yet somehow doesn't crash? They go 40 miles over the speed limit and just lurch their car wherever they can fit it, but they think we're weird for gripping the seat with a scared look in our eyes.

Well, how those people treat driving is how the people on this list treat life in general.

Basically, they impress me and terrify me all at once.

1. I think we normally see the kind of balance it takes to pull this off in the circus, but apparently, it was just crazy enough to work.

Instagram | @kalesalad

That is, I assume it was, since there's no follow-up pic with groceries strewn all over and everybody laugh-crying.

2. So this wacky man has apparently invented a way to give himself permanent support and that's...wait a second.

Reddit | shaktit

I want you all to look closely and tell me I'm right when I say he managed to connect his mustache to his "bra straps."

Seriously, what a legend.

3. Take a good look, folks, because we've just seen the peak of human-doggo cooperation.

Reddit | turd_deli

What if instead of taking a dog for a walk, the dog took us for a walk? And in return, the man now has his own built-in periscope?

Everybody wins!

4. Most people would just reset the Tamagotchi, but this little girl knew in her heart that nobody could replace her friendly little blob.

Reddit | d00110111010

So the only honorable thing to do was to give it a Viking burial at sea.

So...an American Viking burial of a Japanese product.

5. This may seem pointless, but I don't think we're properly appreciating how much baseball this person needs in their life.

Reddit | throw_away_account43

There's a lot of time where you're waiting for batters to get on the field and stuff. That's enough time for a fully interactive experience.

6. Anyone can get an edgy backpack, but only those who truly embrace the darkness will put it to the test like this.

Reddit | CosmicKeys

I mean, looking brutal in the woods at night is easy, but try it in front of your grandma's most pleasant floral furniture.


7. Before you start, I'll explain what's so wild about a guy holding a box of Kraft Dinner with a question.

Reddit | llamanatee

Where's the photographer?

They're not in front of him because that's a mirror, and it's not him, so they must be in that hole under the bed.

8. I want to make it clear that I'm not just catching them mid-hair flip. They got it to look like that all the time.

Reddit | Byerslyjoe

In other words, this person is so dedicated to their aesthetic that they're willing to sacrifice all visibility.

Seriously, that's quite a commitment.

9. OK, this isn't the only dog birthday I've seen, but this pupper seriously got a nicer cake than I've seen most humans end up with.

Instagram | @thebestoftumblrofficial

I'm just saying, maybe I'd also like a cookie on the side that calls me a good boy. It'd be nice...

10. Most people will put something like this in the truck so nobody gets the wrong idea. But this person truly has nothing to hide.

Reddit | Atheisticsatan

And if you ask if they're a beautician, they'll confidently look you in the eye and say, "No."

Or "yes," I don't know.

11. Somewhere in Russia, you can apparently just find a cage of dolls lying around.

Reddit | BrandonNadin

And unless you've ever wanted to be the main character in a horror movie, you'd do well to just leave it alone.

There's a reason it's still just lying here, you know.

12. You know, I'd probably feel a lot better about the six-hour conversations I had with my friends if I thought to order pizza before them.

Instagram | @pablopiqasso

And since they seriously just made me listen to him play video games, I actually could vacuum the walls and miss nothing.

13. I suppose the answer to this depends on whether the kid got to keep the bowl or not.

Instagram | @will_ent

Because if he finds a way to carry this out without any of the wait staff noticing, we're a lot closer to genius here.

14. I'm not sure who's wilder. Is it the two standing in the back like this or the one who convinced them to do it?

Reddit | tbonetaylor

Actually, since they're conveniently facing away from all the signs telling them not to do this, I just solved the mystery.

15. For as extra as this whole vegetable suit is, this guy seems a lot less hyped about it than I would expect.

Reddit | Astromix96

Although, I can definitely see how putting it on would be exhausting. And a long day spent wearing vegetables is still a long day.

16. I guess it's just as well that I'm the type to quit by quietly putting in my two weeks' notice because I'd never be able to top a stunt like this.

Reddit | TrapTarzan

Say what you want about this method, but it's more considerate than kicking around people's luggage.

17. Well, it seems like somebody's already got their evening planned, but there's something really wrong with this.

Reddit | inu_yasha

Oh, not the part where they're bathing with cellophane and McNuggets. No, it's the fact that they're wearing a costume that doesn't let this person eat any of them.

18. I'm not really sure what the goal is here, but somebody is definitely pulverizing that banana for it.

Reddit | Nibbodemus

Like, did they just invent a very ineffective phone or some very ineffective electric brass knuckles? Either way, it's probably not making them a millionaire.

19. Aw, yes. How convenient that this guy happened to get bored with his smoke machine just outside his sibling's room. 

Instagram | Instagram

I'm sure he had no malicious intent whatsoever when he made them sleep in what basically must have been a haunted house.

Good luck picking an outfit tomorrow.

20. Yeah, it's almost like they tried to give the pupper a human hairstyle and that is just not gonna work.

Instagram | @x__antisocial_butterfly__x

It's kinda hard to tell based on how he looks before, but I'm gonna guess that's not the dog's resting face.

He's as disappointed as we are.

21. I could tell this man he's taking things too far, but I already know he doesn't care.

Getty Images | Dan Tardif / LWA

By staring into my eyes while he pours his tea from such a height and not checking how much made it into the cup, he's made his power move.

22. You can say I'm giving him too much credit, but I don't think this guy's even doing this to pretend he has a bae.

Reddit | hokus_filosokus

I legitimately think he just wanted to destroy our perception of reality and knew he had the ticket to Trippyville.

23. I have many questions, but I'm mostly curious to know why and how he ended up with exactly 57 copies of Click.

Instagram | @mememang

Normally, I might just roll my eyes and think, "Oh yes, what a mad lad," but no, I am surprised they didn't notice this.

24. It might just be because it's not covered in creepy dolls or incredibly unsafe add-ons, but I'm willing to give this car the OK.

Reddit | ProbablyDoink

There's a certain pleasing style in the way the driver just kind of threw everything at it and saw what stuck.

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