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Tens Of Thousands Of Grasshoppers Swarmed The Las Vegas Strip

Let's get real— we all expected the world to end in 2012. With all the messed up mojo we've done to this planet, I live every day like it's the earth's last (which, you know, it might be).

We all know that Mother Nature is capable of some pretty wild things, but we often don't expect things to get too out of hand until they literally smack us in the face.

In case you weren't aware, the end is here. Well, for Las Vegas anyway.

Though it's expected that you'll see the odd bug around in Nevada at the end of July, tourists and Las Vegas natives alike walking the street these last few nights have witnessed an insect-related scene so horrifying that it can only be described as apocalyptic.

Tens of thousands of grasshoppers are swarming the Vegas strip.

The green on that map represents the grasshoppers.

Apparently the swarms are due to a number of biological factors, and the little green guys are drawn to Vegas in particular because of the increase in ultraviolet light from all the casino signs.

They've been swarming through the Luxor Hotel's Sky Beam for a few nights in a row.

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The visual effects are absolutely wild.

A number of businesses on the strip, including the Best Western Plus Casino Royale, have turned off their lights at night in order to decrease the amount of bugs they attract.

And no, they aren't locusts.

There's no need to get biblical here folks. Unlike locusts, grasshoppers don't sting or bite. Though there might be giant buzzing bugs flying against every window of every building in the city, they aren't actually out to cause any real harm.

Still, people aren't entirely convinced.

For a lot of people, massive bug swarms are meant as apocalyptic plagues. Even though these guys are just grasshoppers, getting a sight of the craziness on the strip would spook anybody out.

Some folks have decided to laugh about the situation rather than stress over it.

The people of Twitter have responded to the weather warning with grasshopper cooking recipes and grasshopper themed music videos, all in the effort to lighten the doomsday mood.

Apocalypse or not, I'm just glad I'm nowhere near Vegas at the moment.

A bug is a bug is a bug in my eyes, which means even if it has good intentions, I'd like to be as far from it as possible.

Have fun indoors folks!

h/t: Global News