40 People Dodging Bullets Just Like Neo

Most people believe that the Matrix movies are fictional, but that's not entirely true. Some people are born with the same ability as Neo to slow down time and dodge bullets. No matter what situation they find themselves in, they seem to always find a way to come out on top.

Don't believe me? These pictures are the proof!

1. Their parents must be elated. This is definitely a major milestone to celebrate!

Reddit | Reddit

"Please let the cooties stage last forever." You better hope they think Justin Bieber is a "dorkhead" forever.

2. What are the chances? Whoever was in that thing when it went down should buy a lottery ticket! 

Reddit | felix33

Like, immediately. Go. Maybe we can both go halfsies on a ticket, though. I need some of that luck to rub off on me.

3. HAHA! I tricked the cookie system! 

Reddit | blakblob

These fortune cookies sound like my sisters giving me advice. Honestly, though, what kind of dark fortune cookies actually tell you that, for all of eternity, nothing good will happen in your life? Not cool, man, not cool at all.

4. Couldn't have been more perfect.

Imgur | ThatPickleOverThere

This could have been tree-cherous. Mother Nature is like, "I'll just leaf this right here." What's freaking me out more than this incredible luck are the three nearly identical cars on this street.

5. That could've been a train wreck. 

Reddit | fanofstuff66

I've watched this over and over and my body still tenses every time I see that incoming train. It's given me a freight!

6. Nice save.

Imgur | iamdavidrigby

But your mom knows you better than that! She knows full well that your favorite thing to have in your mouth is her homemade lasagna.

7. Great way to the test the waters.

Imgur | jefjac2003

Smoooooth. if only all my cringeworthy texts could be blamed on grammar.

8. That could've gone downhill quickly.

Reddit | zeb1

And by downhill, I mean into an angry, raging river. Close call!

9. 8/10 on the landing.

Imgur | Tsmith95

If I had 1/1000th of the grace this boy has, I would have a full-ride scholarship to Julliard for ballet.

10. Bless up.

Imgur | reaaaally

Although this could work out well for her in the end, too. When they break up, she won't even need to crop him out of the pic.

11. Checkmate. 

Reddit | Scott_Bash

I can't stop watching this. I swear, it gets better each time.

12. Good try...but I bet he didn't buy it for a second.

Imgur | DarkSyed

But guess what, dude? Sara's dad LOVES karaoke. How are you gonna dodge that?

13. Nailed it.

Reddit | tinybell

People ask me why I wear iron boots in the dead of summer. I show them this picture.

14. I think this dude might actually be Neo.

Imgur | ThatOneMusicGuy

If you break down this gif and study it frame by frame, you can see the plug in the back of his neck where the Kung Fu was downloaded.

15. Dad's the Gatorade dealer.

Twitter | @housel_emma

Shoulda asked for 3 gs. One for you, one for Dad, and one for the sister who told the entire internet what's up.

16. It would have been an honest mistake...

Reddit | MLBM100

If your pancakes taste a bit lemony, don't look at me. I'll be sitting on my butter-flavored chair over here.

17. It's a good thing he forgot to take those pills!

Reddit | daemoncel

Go home, bed. You're drunk.

18. These are not interchangeable in the least.

Reddit | ccraddock

I can tell you that I'm definitely not sleeping through this. Or worse, you'll find me asleep on the toilet.

19. That would not have been pleasant.

Reddit | Timeoffguy

I recall pulling something like this on my dad as a kid. He still hasn't forgiven me.

20. You've got to be quick on the draw, lest our parents have time to check Urban Dictionary.

Instagram | @nikkeilaa

This recovery is as quick as they come! Always double-check who you're texting!

21. Probably dropped from two feet.

Imgur | nae6

Would hate to ruin that pedicure. If she hadn't been able to save her toes, she'd at least be able to save some nail polish later on.

22. This could've been souper annoying.

Imgur | danceswithsarcasm

Nothing like seasoning your meal with whatever bacteria happens to be lurking on your fingers as you fish your spoon from the bottom of your bowl.

23. Now that's quick thinking!

Reddit | Art_Van_Delay

24. Here's a situation that's best caught earlier than later!

Instagram | @douch.e

That could have been a terrible third date conversation. Luckily, they found out just how much they had in common within the first few texts.

25. Then there's this clever guy who just wants to make a friend

Instagram | @nochill

There are very few friendlier people you'll meet than, well, someone who just wants to reach out and make sure you're okay.

26. Hate to see a dinner go to waste. Time to come up with a new creation!

Twitter | @WORLDSTAR

This was basically a minor mistake, but it led to perhaps a very important invention! The hamdog... smh.

27. Got out of there just in time

Reddit | alexdagreat15

28. Phew! That was a close one.

Imgur | usernamenotrelevant

Nothing can ruin a day like a yellow Starburst. If you say your fav is yellow, I'll fight you.

29. They never saw it coming... 

NY Daily News | NY Daily News

Seriously though, they're lucky it missed the windshield!

30. Sometimes, you've got to rely on the kindness of strangers.

Twitter | @Ainahss

The catfishing game just ain't as easy as it used to be. Luckily for her, ladies got each other's backs!

31. Nice save! I guess this Christmas has a Jurassic Park theme

Imgur | damsell

32. Another great example of wall art that saved the day...or at least saved a dry-wall job.

Reddit | Rwolinski

33. Can I axe you about your window?

Imgur | Bigfloppy

Quite the axe-cident, amirite?

34. Welp. That was a close one

Reddit | dizzle93

35. Good thing you turned the bathroom light on before wiping...

Imgur | MadMexican

Similarly, this is why I don't wipe my butt when I'm drunk

36. Hopefully the landlord appreciates it just as much as I do

Reddit | [deleted]

37. He's dodging greasy bullets with this one

Reddit | hades0401

38. Good thing you read the labels before making cereal this morning

Reddit | DorkasaurusRex

Ever want to know what it would be like to eat cereal drenched in snot? This experience would comparable

39. This is why you double-check your alarms before bed!

Reddit | Divamergency

Thankfully my phone defaults to AM for alarms, which is particularly charming when I try to set a 4 PM reminder to start dinner...

40. Tattoo removal can be tough, but if you can figure out away around it, you win!

Reddit | MustardTiger99

Like this guy who, after his breakup with Lauren, decided to class the tat up a bit!

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