The New Sherlock Holmes Has Been Cast: It's Henry Cavill

Sherlock Holmes has been a beloved character for decades, and not just because he's been played by some amazing actors.

Even as a book character, he has been looked to for inspiration many times.

We've seen quite a few iterations of Sherlock Holmes.

Warner Bros.

One was Robert Downey Jr.

He played the part hilariously, but not too long after, someone took the role.

Benedict Cumberbatch starred in the BBC role.


The famous role definitely helped him rise to fame.

Many people say he's the best there ever was in the role.

But now, Henry Cavill is becoming the famous character.

That will definitely be...interesting.

I have never thought of Sherlock Holmes as a super buff guy, have you?

Superman becomes Sherlock.


What do you think about this development?

Let us know in the comments if you think he's a good fit!