Wedding Inspirasi, Imgur

13+ People Who Didn't Look Before They Leaped

Sometimes in life, ya gotta just dive in headfirst. Planning is great and all, but the times you decide to throw caution to the wind and just go for it can really help shake things up.

It might not always work out the way you wanted, but it also might work out better than you could have hoped for — either way, we're looking at these moments today just for the LOLs, so let's just get to it!

1. It's risky, but if they're a fan of the show, it could pay off.

Instagram | @djbewbz

They might've missed an opportunity to use one of the warehouse workers from The Office instead, but at least their point is made. Me like Office, too! Kevin best.

2. Sometimes, rushing into something can just get it all tangled up, ya know?

Reddit | arefx

Like in this very, very literal case here. That's just a huge mess I can't even begin to unpack. Let's hope no one gets their wires crossed when trying to fix it.

3. Life's what you make of it, so make it comfy.

Instagram | @djbewbz

Here, we've got an incredibly "dad" move. I don't think there's a dad alive who really bothers to think out a power move like this — they'll just go for it.

4. Not the worst thing that's happened at that theater, but it's up there.

Instagram | @djbewbz

Whether you're a sports fan or a theater enthusiast, comfort is key. Apparently, that only means comfort for you, though, because the rest of us are grossed out.

5. Well, that's a bit more than terrifying.

Twitter | @lasagnabby

I mean, when you think of it, water is just nature's Snapchat filter — even though the eyes do make you look like you belong in the movie Coraline.

6. All of our minds are in the gutter. Disney should know that by now.


What is this, A Nightmare Before XXXmas?! Don't Google that, BTW — I'm actually scared to think of what you'd find.

7. Huh, I never knew Doctor Seuss' degree was in political science.  

Twitter | @CE_Loveless

But you know those kids — they love books like Horton Hears A W.H.O. and movies like The Mike Hucka-Bee Movie.

8. It's a crime of passion, really.

Twitter | @johnalexcorrea

I can't condone any of this, buuuuut I also want you guys to have a ton of glorious nuggets. I'm having a moral crisis here!

9. Did it, though? Did it really? 

Reddit | MustGoOutside

Call it a hunch or whatever, but I've got a strange feeling that the ban isn't as widely enforced as this headline would make it out to be.

10. Don't let the haters stop you from being you.

Reddit | AyyyitsRodney

In fact, getting these kinds of reactions only makes us want to be crazy in public more often!

11. Oh, good, the fart dress. ?

Wedding Inspirasi | Galia Lahav/Greg Swales

'Cause this is exactly what everyone would want on their special day, right? Something that describes what real life in bed with them would be like?

12. Of course, you could always be more in-your-face about it.

Twitter | @ThePoke

No one thought to look twice at the team shirts for the "Super Hitters," huh? Well, at least we know their team will get the runs.

13. How does someone look so guilty and yet so pleased with themselves at the same time?

Twitter | @R_tatas

Every day is Christmas when you have your parents' credit card!

14. ♫ It's fun to stay at the F-A-R-T ♫

Twitter | @famousamos_12

No one ever fully grows up, and why would you want to, especially when there are opportunities like this out there?

15. Now, I know who to hire when trying to hype my place up!


One word changes the entire meaning of that saying, huh? Not that I'm 100% sure what "yeet" means in this context.

16. Sometimes, you gotta just let your gut guide your night.

Twitter | @bottlerocket

Especially when that gut is full of rum! I mean, who knows what crazy adventure is next, Ikea?! Nah, you'd def get lost there.

17. Yooo, this dad had better "Be Careful."

Twitter | @JoshSobo

Not that I would really expect this dad to be the biggest Cardi B fan, but ya never know. Play "Bodak Yellow" for him, and he'll be hooked.

18. Man, we've really got to start teaching our parents more about current music, huh?

Instagram | @will_ent

If for no other reason than to stop them from coming up with nicknames like "DJ Fat Man."

19. Gotta love the innocence of kids.

Imgur | Imgur

Unless...wait, is this some kind of camping lifehack I've never heard of. I don't think that's a realistic alternative for sleeping bags at all.

20. At least your poops will be relieved of their stress. |

There's a sentence I never thought I'd write — point is, there's always an upside to everything, even things as ridiculous as this.

21. All packed up and ready to go!

Instagram | @will_ent

Toddlers can be more than a handful. Therefore, a bag is a great tool to keep them in place or take them wherever ya need! So handy.

22. Maybe you should order a coffee instead. 

Reddit | erinaceidae

Mostly because I would 100% do this with no coffee in the morning — definitely relatable. At this point, I'd just give up and call in sick to work.

23. Panoramas are hard, man. ?

Imgur | sunflash2009

One little, odd movement and you're not even half the man you used to be — like, literally. Beautiful background, for sure, but kind of a horrifying subject.

24. Do people really need to hype up every event like this?

Reddit | Bill_nyeGrasseTyson

Maybe I'm the crazy one, but some things just don't seem to fit the aesthetic of a wacky inflatable arm-flailing tube man like this.

Press rewind.

Reddit | 123CJP

This photo of a jogger interrupting an engagement photo shoot is one of the best of all time. You can just see the horror in his face as he realizes what's going on.

The ol' switcheroo.

Reddit | sekshibeesht

This pic is a good argument against letting your cat out. Yeah, there's the danger from cars and all that, but I'm mostly concerned about my kitties getting replaced by doppelgangers.

Incognito mode.

Reddit | Freesoundjo

Judging by the look on his wife's face, I'm guessing this guy isn't just browsing Facebook. If there's a lesson here, it's to never browse in front of an open window.

Easy does it.

Reddit | ronan798

I'm really hoping this guy has an exit strategy. I'm also hoping that the cherrypicker basket holds steady, because things could get a lot worse before they get better.

They can't see you.

Reddit | 817Mai

This washroom at an amusement park in Bangkok features one-way glass, so people on the outside can't see in. At least that's what the amusement park operators are going to tell you.

Tough punishment.

Reddit | beind

I can understand the death by electrocution part, but what really gets me is the fine. Are they really trying to tell you that they'll murder you with electricity, then charge you for it?

Out in the exercise yard.

Reddit | Kgskelton90

What looks like a casual prison break is actually an athletic team from Clemson University. I get that Clemson's main color is orange, but surely they could have made their leisure wear look a little less prison-ish.

Everything the light touches is yours.

Reddit | funnyfacehehe

If this lady didn't want a cat on her head, she shouldn't have put the towel on. If this cat wanted to have an easy way down, it never should have jumped up.

All chonk, no play.

Reddit | WestyFree

I love how this cat owner managed to shame their cat while selling these toys. It's not like the cat's going to know it's been shamed, but sometimes you just need to point a finger.

Thanks, chief.

Reddit | [deleted]

Step four seems a little weird. If you're arguing with someone, that's a really odd question to ask out of the blue. Also, if you've been arrested more than them, should you just keep arguing?

Chaotic evil.

Reddit | catfishman

Yes, that's a welding helmet made out of a disco ball. Yes, welding creates a very bright light. Yes, everyone in the vicinity of this guy is about to get blinded.

Seems legit.

Reddit | bitemydust33

Those little sprinklers are pretty stealthy with the way they spring out of the ground and start spraying. I wonder how long this will last before everyone in the vicinity gets electrocuted.

Just give up.

Reddit | johnnierockit

I know graphic design is a fine art, but surely the sign for (what I can only assume is a) gym could have styled itself in a way that doesn't say "Fat Forever".

At least he tried.

Reddit | radioflea

Making holiday cookies is a nice way to ring in the season. But they always look so much better in the pictures, and by the time you realize they're going to turn out like this, you're already in too deep.

Mistakes were made.

Reddit | Korokorum

Look, when you go out to buy a giant murdertortoise as a pet, you probably don't anticipate this kind of toilet-related catastrophe. That said, when you get a low-to-the-ground pet that moves like a tank, you get what you get.

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