6+ Surprising Things You Probably Never Knew You Could DIY

I was recently browsing through Pinterest, my usual go-to for finding some rad DIYs, and I came across a few articles sharing information on things I had no idea you could DIY. It got me thinking that there are probably quite a few things that people don't know they can DIY. I mean, sure you know you can make things with wood and paint or glitter and glue, but this other stuff? Probably not.

If you're looking for some new DIYs that'll likely surprise you, read on to learn more!

1. Have you ever thought about creating your own large-scale greenhouse?

Hometalk | Jyn

I definitely have not. Sure, maybe a small one, but not one like this! But it's totally doable if you've got some handy people to help out.

I'm just imagining all the really cool plants that Jyn from Hometalk must have in her greenhouse!

Hometalk | Jyn

Now I just need a big piece of property to get me started. There is so much you could do with a greenhouse this size, so go get started!

2. One thing I've never tried to make but is popular all over Pinterest is soap.

Hometalk | Rebecca D Dillion

It can be kind of dangerous if you don't do it right, but there's also a lot of easy melt-and-pour options that are safe for everyone to try!

Then you can get creative with different scents and colors, just like Rebecca did over on Hometalk.

Hometalk | Rebecca D Dillion

She created a mud and tea tree oil-inspired soap, and I just love how all the colors ran into each other!

3. Okay, so this next one is a bit silly. 

Hometalk | Rebecca D. Dillion

But the main point is that you can make your own bubble bars in replace of bubble bath for all the kiddos in your life.

Rebecca shared this easy-to-follow emoji bubble bath bar tutorial over on Hometalk.

Hometalk | Rebecca D. Dillion

The result might be a bit funny, but it's also incredibly cute. I'm not going to complain one bit!

4. Have an ant problem?

Hometalk | Made From Pinterest

You wouldn't be the first person, and you wouldn't be the last. If you need a solution quickly and don't want to hire someone to get rid of them, here is a perfect answer!

With some cotton balls, sugar, and Borax you can make an inexpensive version at home!

Hometalk | Made From Pinterest

You mix a little bit of warm water with the sugar and borax, then soak a cotton ball. The ants will be attracted to the sugar, but killed by the Borax. Then they'll get caught in the cotton ball and be easy to clean up! Thanks Made From Pinterest for this easy DIY!

5. I love showcasing my personality in any way I can, including with my camera strap.

Club Crafted | Club Crafted

I've bought a few from Etsy, but never thought of making one myself! It's surprisingly not that hard for someone with some basic sewing skills.

Club Crafted walks us through everything we need to know when it comes to sewing our very own camera strap.

Club Crafted | Club Crafted

Plus, they go into detail on how to embroider our own favorite sayings onto the strap!

6. One thing I've been unsure of DIYing is drywall.

Hometalk | Ethan@OPC

I'm not super familiar with DIYs that have to do with home improvement, and drywall can be kind of scary!

Luckily, it's not actually that hard to figure out on your own.

Hometalk | Ethan@OPC

You can get everything you need at the hardware store, and Ethan walks us through how it's done over on Hometalk. Maybe it's not so scary after all!

7. Do you ever flip through home magazines and fall in love with the amazing headboards that ever single bedroom has?!

As Life Grows | As Life Grows

I've always wanted a fun headboard, but they aren't exactly cheap. This means they are NOT in my budget.

But luckily for me, you can make your own fairly easily!

As Life Grows | As Life Grows

As Life Grows made theirs for a dorm room bed that didn't have a headboard, but you could easily make one for any bed that needs an upgrade.

8. I think people are kind of afraid to use concrete and cement on their own, so they often don't know the possibilities!

Monster Circus | Monster Circus

But with a soda can, some water, and some paint you can make some pretty cool things.

I've used this method to make planters, but you can also make stunning candle votives.

Monster Circus | Monster Circus

Monster Circus shares exactly how they achieved this beautiful and modern-looking home decor over on their blog.

9. I'm only just learning about all the super cool things you can do with essential oils for skincare!

Bliss Makes | Bliss Makes

I would never have guessed that you could infuse gems into your oils as well!

This gem oil in particular is infused with amethyst!

Bliss Makes | Bliss Makes

Bliss Makes recently read the book Crystal Muse which suggests that amethyst can help calm your mind. That paired with lavender would make for a refreshing new addition to your skincare routine!

10. I have always loved a good piñata, but I've only ever made one using a balloon.

Club Crafted | Club Crafted

It's fun, but definitely kind of boring.

What if I told you that you could make a store-bought version at home?!

This retro camper piñata from Club Crafted is absolutely adorable.

Club Crafted | Club Crafted

I would definitely fill this baby up with all sorts of retro candy! Now I just need streamers and cardboard to make this happen.

11. Have you ever thought about making your own citronella candles to keep the bugs at bay?

Design Fixation | Design Fixation

You can buy citronella oil to do just that! For this, you'll also need some paint cans and essential oils.

Design Fixation painted her cans with a funky stripe, then added water, citronella, and her essential oils.

Design Fixation | Design Fixation

A few candles will help disperse the citronella smell! These are super cute for outside all summer long.

12. This might be one of the most surprising DIYs on this list!

Lil Blue Boo | Lil Blue Boo

If you boil walnuts for long enough, you can create a deep brown ink from them. This stuff stains, so be careful!

Lil Blue Boo goes into more detail on how long to boil these babies for, but isn't the ink a beautifully rich color?

Lil Blue Boo | Lil Blue Boo

There are tons of foods you can draw ink from if you give it a try!