Reddit | 5678ro

15+ People Who Just Straight Up Gave Up

I like to imagine that we all have this imaginary care cup that contains how much we give a flying flipper about things that occur in our lives. Throughout the day, the cup gradually empties as you care less and less about things.

If you look at everyday people, you can usually tell where their care cup is at in that particular moment.

Then there are folks whose care cup is just straight up empty. I'm talking nothing. No Frick Fracks left to give.

Orange You Glad I Didn't Say Banana?

Reddit | sourcessay347

This neighbor was more than surprised when a local kid knocked on his door, asked for a banana, and left after accomplishing his only goal.

Don't let life limit you kids.

All Outta Synonyms


It's funny because the boyfriend had caring left to give for the artistic quality of the birthday card, but nothing left for its writing quality.

Thanks? I guess???

Ah Yes — The Nativity, My Favorite Marvel Movie

Reddit | joyce23_rom

Sunday school dress code? Never heard of her. Every event is a chance for a costume competition, and I'm not losing just because all these simpletons want to stick to the rules.

Marilyn Monroe


Nothing beats that good old flowy feelin'.

Social norms are 100% less important than airing out the bits & bites.

Gym & Tonic

Reddit | 45680_785

When you've lived a certain amount of years, you stop listening to the hordes of people telling you what you should and should not be doing in order to keep yourself healthy. If I'm gonna workout, I might as well enjoy it!

Stereo Heart


How else am I supposed to listen to Barbara-Jean's mix-tape that she gave me at the 1939 high school prom? Spoiler alert: it's fire.

Always Prepared

Twitter | @outtadeer

This girl decided to camp out in the airport after her flight got delayed. Only close-minded people suffer through the uncomfortable experience of sleeping on airport seats. Scouts are always prepared.

Lecture Lullaby

Reddit | boyohnoynoyh

Yeah, sure, he's paying to be there. But when you've just pulled three consecutive all-nighters to write a paper about a novel you never even opened, you'd pay just about any amount to get some shut eye. Get those attendance grades.

Take A Dump


I can hear that construction worker's "well, good enough" all the way from the other side of the earth.

Solitary Work


Playing a computer card game while an entire line of customers waits for you is the ultimate retail worker energy. The care cup is a desert.

No Strings Attached

Reddit | whysoslippery78

Anything is a bed if you're tired enough. Sure, cellos are expensive, but beauty sleep is priceless.

Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily


No flood is going to stop me from getting my fast food oysters. Brad, get the Kayak.

Shoeless Joe


There are so many stages before this in which this guy would've had to look at his shoe and go "could be worse." This care cup is severely dehydrated.

Pancake Tuesday

Reddit | mostgh0stly


Safe And Sound

Reddit | monstermashhhhh

You aren't always going to be at your best, so why not create a cardboard cutout of yourself that is? Get that shut eye.

My Potential


I mean, at least we aren't going in with any unrealistic expectations.

Good Enough

Reddit | 565747

This isn't an episode of master chef—this is everyday snackiness and sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

Teacher, Leave Those Kids Alone

Reddit | mrsbonty457

Math lessons can bring out the worst in anyone.

When you get to the point in which you're putting in effort to show how much you don't care, you've emptied several care cups. You can play a care cup song.

Chucky That Cheese In The Trash


Slice that puppy like you're on an ice rink.

Care cup level: -175.


Reddit | ydoit

This is a photo snapped on election day in Denmark. While others diligently voted, one man's care cup was so far past empty that he showed his local politicians what he really thought.

Somebody get that man a new cup — his is broken.