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Moms Are Embracing Their Post-Baby Belly 'Pooches' With All-Too-Real Photos

If you're a mom, then I'm sure that you have a nickname for your belly. C'mon, we all do.

After giving birth, many women's postpartum bellies are rounder and squisher than they used to be. Sometimes this belly goes away, and sometimes it doesn't. These postpartum tummies are affectionately known as the mom "pooch".

To break the stigma of postpartum bodies that don't meet the typical standards of beauty, many moms are posting pictures of their pooches online with a body-positive message.

It all comes down to self-love.

"For all the women who hate their bodies because they aren’t the same since having children... I hope you learn to love yourself one day because you are BEAUTIFUL and STRONG and POWERFUL and DESERVING," wrote Instagram user @merinrenee.

Be proud of the pooch.

If you find your tummy is a little squisher and you have stretch marks in places you didn't before your baby was born, think of them as reminders that you grew and gave life to another person. What could be more amazing than that?

Let's end the comparisons.

Social media makes it so easy for us to obsessively compare ourselves to our friends. Focus on yourself, practice gratitude, and stop the comparisons once and for all.

Stop being so hard on yourself.

Most new moms immediately start bashing their bodies after giving birth when they should be applauding themselves for bringing a new person into the world. Focus on what your body just accomplished, not how you wish it looked.

Learning to love the woman in the mirror.

Accepting your postpartum body can be a life-long journey. There will be good days and rough days, but focus on the whole picture. You aren't just your body, you are a complete person with relationships and passions who deserves to love themselves.

Postpartum pooch

This photo was taken just 24 hours after this mom gave birth. I'm glad this mom chose to share her photo because our society is still unaware of what a newly postpartum body looks like.

It's time we value all bodies.

Our standards of beauty have been dictated by society for so long. Let's start embracing real bodies and real women, belly pooches and all.

Don't let social media control your self-esteem.

Those pictures on Instagram might look perfect, but angling, flexing, and filters can modify a photo instantly. This mom's side-by-side photos show how much of an impact flexing can have on your appearance.

Pooches are powerful.

The journey to accepting your postpartum body can be difficult and the ultimate test of strength.

"I’m no longer in a constant battle with my mind and body; it’s a powerful feeling when you choose to embrace yourself for WHO and WHAT you are!" wrote Instagram user @denupzter.

Simply beautiful.

There are no other words to describe this photo other than beautiful. I love how the photographer captured the love between this mom and her baby while highlighting her gorgeous postpartum body.

This is what postpartum bodies really look like.

Here's a perfect description of a postpartum body.

"Messy hair, soft squishy belly, stretch marks, tired eyes and holding the personification of love," wrote Instagram user @mylifewithlia. Sounds right to me!

Sharing these photos is inspiring to other moms.

By sharing images of their belly pooches and postpartum bodies, moms are building an online community of support for each other.

"So I hope my picture today help you feel better about your body, or postpartum body, or stretch marks, or rolls or cellulites or whatever you find to be ugly about you," said Instagram user @stardivakhushi.

Remember that you are beautiful.

It can be so hard to feel beautiful when you're rocking stained clothes and haven't showered in days, but it's important to acknowledge your beauty and take time for yourself.

Celebrate your body.

Stretch marks, scars, and a belly pooch all tell the story of your life's journey. We should celebrate these milestones and marks instead of trying to hide them.

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