Unsplash | Juliane Liebermann

Here's What Women Want Men To Know About Raising Daughters

We all know raising kids can be a little bit challenging. But it can get especially hard when it comes to dads raising daughters.

There is so much to know and so little time to learn it all. So I thought I would take this opportunity to share some insights with those dads that might need just a little bit of info when it comes to raising their girls.

Take a look at some advice that shared in a recent viral Reddit thread.

Dads get a bad rap when it comes to being overprotective. But a little trust does go a long way, so be patient.

"I wish you'd just treated me like a person, not some vagina you felt the need to creepily guard until I got married," said Zombombaby.

Communication is key in any relationship.

Unsplash | Caroline Hernandez

"Sometimes I can't be frank with you, because I am shy," said ObviousSpace.

Learn as much as you can about your kid's life and make her feel safe, even when she's having a hard time talking to you.

It's easy to take control of your kids' lives. But, when it comes to girls that can really backfire.

"Forcing math on me to try to combat the 'girls aren't good at math' myth only made me hate it," said ColorMeStunned.

Let your daughter make her own mistakes and just be there.

Teenage girls can definitely be a handful.

"Sometimes, we cry. It's not a personal attack; it's a release valve. Please don't get mad at us for feeling feelings," saidavacynangelofhope.

Things can easily get out of control when hormones and emotions run high. Ensure you're there to listen with an open heart.

Most guys, let alone fathers are scared of the word "period".

"We get periods like our mothers did before us," said samoogle.

As a father you must understand this physical and emotional aspect of a young woman's life without being weird about it.

Girls can get very embarrassed when you do stuff to point out puberty.

"Do not be surprised when I get boobs," said HollyDunmer.

Never comment on their physical appearance when they start growing boobs and stuff like that. It's just awkward for everyone.

Some fathers may be disappointed not to have a boy to share hobbies with. But the truth is a lot of girls dig cars, trains, and video games.

Unsplash | Filios Sazeides

"We like boy things too. You're not missing out on sports and guns and dumb jokes just cause you only had daughters," said DaughterEarth.

Similarly, make sure you spend enough time together. If you spend more time with your neighbor's kid just because he's a boy it can hurt your daughter's feelings.

Unsplash | Liane Metzler

"That I'm not a boy, and it hurts immensely when you spend more time with the neighbor's son than you own daughter because I'm not the boy you wanted," said Cyanide_Kitty_101.

As a father, you need to encourage your daughter along the way. Praise successes and provide support during failures, as well as, letting her pursue her interests.

Unsplash | Alex Sorto

"We’re just people, with the same varied and complex interests and emotions as any other person," said another Reddit user.

The best way to teach your daughter how to be treated by a prospective boyfriend is to lead by example. So be kind and loving to your own partner.

Unsplash | freestocks.org

"The way you treat your wife or girlfriend will teach me how I should expect men to treat me," said elodea.

Girls are just as capable of doing stuff as boys are. If your daughter develops interests outside of the typical "female" subjects, be supportive and open to it.

Unsplash | Pim Chu

"Boy or girl introduce em to your interests. They won't like every single one as they grow and develop their own tastes etc. But mostly kids just want to spend time with their parents," said mergedloki.

I know this is the furthest from your mind but your daughter will eventually start having sex. Just deal with it, ok? There's just no other way around it.

"Accept the fact that your daughter will participate in dating and sex at some point, and need OBGYN visits and birth control," said nosiriamadreamer.

Dads, you need to learn how to do your daughter's hair properly.

"I wish he knew not to use plain rubber bands as hair ties. That hurt!" said OurLadyOfTheChickens.

Dads definitely have their work cut out for them with this one.

But just remember it does get easier and hopefully these tips will give you some insight into raising girls.

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