I hate it when you see something that you wish you’d come up with yourself. It is a strangely specific sort of melancholy!
However, the ones on this list will give you more of a laugh than feelings of melancholy… I sincerely hope so anyway! So, please enjoy these 19+ moments that made us go “I wish I’d thought of that!”
“Never thought I’d be shamed by a fridge.”
You’re telling me that you can get fridges with this feature and I don’t have one? I have been absolutely done over by the man in Curry’s!
“Decided to surprise my girlfriend with a new shower curtain while she’s gone for the day. Hope I’m still home and not at work when she discovers it.”
I don’t know what we did to deserve Jeff Goldblum, but I am thankful for it. What a truly incredible human being.
“A family member of mine was hospitalised recently and received a get-well-card from friends.”
I might just have to do something like this for my partner on Valentine’s Day, just buy any old card and write, “All of the Valentine’s Day cards were painfully saccharine and insipid so I got you think one instead.”
“And you thought all good car names were… taken.”
This car has a very specific set of skills that make it a nightmare for drivers like you…as is my experience with all Nissans that I’ve previously owned!
“We miss you Pete!”
I wish that I had thought of doing this and unleashing a load of velociraptors at work when I worked at Costa. That would really have discouraged customers from coming in and bothering me.
“I put a rake in our flag holder to see how long it would take my wife to say something. It’s been three days.”
I like where your head is at, however, I imagine that she has already seen it and just rolls her eyes whenever she passes it and refuses to mention it. That’s what my partner would do.
“Some guys at my school thought it would be funny to pass around a pineapple shirt on picture day…”
I would have loved to have done something like this in my yearbook. Did the photographer not wonder why so many of them had the same pineapple shirt on?!
My Dying Wish
I don’t know what kind of dry cleaner this is that has this on their sign, but I’d be very wary of taking in your finery.
“A year later, my Parents still wish I’d taken a serious photo…”
It will probably not surprise you to know that this person had just graduated with a master’s in Computer Science.
“I wish I had stopped at three…”
No matter how much you think, “Oh, well if I just buy one more then there is no way that it can’t knock the rest down,” don’t do it! These machines are the devil’s handiwork!
“Bought my wife a necklace for her Birthday. Guy asked if I wanted it gift wrapped. I said yes and asked him to make it look as horrible as possible.”
This is genius, as now their wife will think that they took the time to try and wrap it themselves!
*Angry Meowing!*
Although, when it comes to my cat, no matter where she sits you can be sure that she is always hungry!
“My sister is learning piano..She can’t figure out why all the sheet music songs don’t sound right.”
I would have loved to do this to the keyboards in high school, only to cause the music teachers to have a hideously sounding meltdown.
“Coworker changed our intern’s background as he forgot to lock his workstation. Took reboots for him to figured out the ‘problem’.”
As someone who has absolutely zero chill when it comes to technological mishaps, I think I’d have been smashing things within five minutes.
“If only all stores had the same policy.”
It would be a lot harder to get anything from the shops if this was in place, as I imagine most people would just never open their shops in the first place.
Looks Like I’ll Be eating For Free On A Regular Basis…
Do they have to actually be a “friend” or can I take in a person I don’t like and just body slam them anyway?
“I needed a good laugh this morning…”
I’d be more likely to see the Jeep as a financial burden if I’m honest. Although, you don’t need to put a Jeep through school I guess.
“High School is easy.”
This is a wonderful way to describe high school. I only wish that I had come up with such an apt description of that period of my life.
“My 9 year old daughter thought she was funny. Made me some Brownies for Father’s Day.”
I wonder how their father took it. I think there would be a part of my dad that would want to eat them all anyway just to go one up on the prank.
“Looking back I can see why I didn’t ace my high school English class…”
I spent years staring hopelessly at T. S. Elliot texts, and I’m just annoyed that I never thought to do this even once.
“Went to a restaurant with an interesting policy…”
A few people claimed that this is more officially called the “A****t Tax,” and I quite like that as a formal name for this!
“Getting that bread.”
You can never have enough bread! D**n it, if you want some bread, you go out and you get that bread!
“Max is getting neutered tomorrow, so my friend threw his b***s a going away party.”
Well, any excuse for a party I guess? Max also looks remarkably enthused for someone at a going away party for their testicles!
“Every year I get my boyfriend a cake for his birthday. This year I asked what type he wanted. He said ‘I don’t care’.”
I mean, I don’t wish that I had thought to do this for one of my friends, I wish that I had just asked for a pink Dora the Explorer cake that says “A*****e” on it. Perfection.
“Dad figured out how to rename our users on Netflix.”
I’m also thinking that this would be a good name to change some of the accounts to if you have an ex who you think is still lurking on your account.
“This test should be easy.”
I had no idea that I could have just written, “My answers have been removed due to third-party copyright constraints” on my exams! That would have been a lot less work!
“Renovating the house, decided to put this in the wall before its boarded up so I can give the next person who renovates the house a heart attack.”
I particularly like how it looks like the skeleton is in on the joke and is saying, “Hey, did I getcha?! Did I spook ya?!”
“My friend’s boyfriend was not happy about his kindergarten picture. His parents still have it framed in their house 20 years later.”
I love that the photographer didn’t bother to get a new one, they just took this one and thought, “Yep, they’re gonna live to regret that down the line!”
“Halloween decorations in my friend’s neighborhood.”
You can try and change their minds, but I don’t think you’ll be hearing any argument from Jason or Michael.
“Finally found some furniture to fit my balcony.”
Sure, you can’t use the balcony, but you can make a nice little dinner date for the bugs and the birds!
“Saw in Central Park. Stephen, if you’re out there, keep doing you.”
I bet he’s really easy to get gifts for then! Plaques all across the city!
“Came home from work and found this at my door.”
Sooo…is this an invite or not? You want me to get drunk alone in my apartment while you’re having fun?
“Clever decoration idea found at Aquarium Barcelona.”
Remember kids, don’t actually try to use a fire extinguisher as an oxygen tank. I don’t think you want to breathe what’s in there.
“Found in my grandpa’s office.”
The most foolproof plan for any business. Can’t lose face if you become a charity!
“Apparently even 7 year old me was a smart a*s.”
You were just…learning. You learned how to spell all those words right there. Development.
“I found a horribly fun way to disappoint my kids in the morning!”
If I smell cinnamon rolls in the morning and walk out to find none, I’m moving out. I live alone, but still.
“Clever sign between a dojo and a coffee shop in my hometown.”
After a nice Tai Chi session, you can relax and wind down even more with Chai Tea! A perfect combo name-wise and lifestyle-wise.
“Wishing I had a visible spare tire…”
Someone suggested that they put reflective materials into the baby’s eyes to add that extra element of fear. However, I think I’d have a heart attack if I saw that baby with glowing eyes late at night!
“Thought you guys would enjoy this Q&A that came with a kids inflatable boxing bag.”
Wow, they really cover all their bases! And it’s a direct road to being a boxing champ! Why doesn’t everyone have this?”
“Put up in my high school’s library.”
My sassy comment about procrastination will be typed here when I can be bothered. I wouldn’t hold your breath though.
Last Updated on July 8, 2020 by Paddy Clarke