
14+ Times People Made The Best Of Bad Situations

Things can go wrong when you least expect them to, and there are few things like the unique feeling of self-fulfillment when you manage to fix these bad situations yourself!

From people turning drunken mishaps into abstract artwork, to people finding truly ingenious ways of getting other people to write their CVs for them, here are 17+ times people made the best out of bad situations.

"My boyfriend fell down our stairs on our first Thanksgiving day together. Instead of fixing the hole, we got creative."

I'm going to assume that alcohol was involved in this incident. Well, if you guys celebrate any holiday occasion like I do, then alcohol was undoubtedly involved.

I Guess People Need To Cope In Any Way They Can...

I have had some weird mechanisms for coping with the daily grind in my time, but this is too weird and depressing even for me!

Taking Cheating To New Levels!

Christ, if I had put the same amount of effort into studying as this person put into cheating then I cannot imagine how well I would have done in school.

"These panhandlers are getting creative."

Nothing like the prospect of revenge to keep you focused and working your hardest. Without the mental image of one day being able to run over my enemies with a lawnmower, I don't think that I would have the motivation to get out of bed in the morning.

"It was my dad's birthday but we didn't have the right numbers so we got creative."

"'Dlo'? What the hell does Dlo mean?"

"Turn it around, Dad!"

" says 'Old.' I think I preferred it when I was confused by Dlo."

Do You Think The Wall Is Full Of Cookies?

I can think of cleaner places to keep cookies than inside of a wall, although living in a house where the walls are filled with cookies is a childhood dream of mine so crack on.

"If you don't have a cover letter just get one written for you!"

That is evil genius level of diabolical. The ingenuity shown in this manoeuvre alone surely shows that they should be worthy of whatever job they're actually applying for.

"Guess this is her drawer now."

"Hey, so, I don't mind you staying here in that drawer, but could you maybe pay a bit of rent?"

*Angry hissing...

"Yeah, it's fine, I'll just cover it."

Always Got Your Back!

She is trying to help out, she just doesn't know how. So, she may as well take advantage of this flat surface to have a momentary sit down, and who can blame her.


Look, if you come across a big old pile of watermelons that someone has dropped, you may as well eat the watermelons! Be a shame to let them go to waste.

"Self-conscious poopers fear no more..."

If you really want to make sure that you aren't disturbed, add in the odd scream of, "The power of Christ compels you!"

"How to skip long queues and get easy entry."

This is a slightly more out-of-the-box way of getting into anywhere than I would have initially thought of, but it's not wrong I guess.

"My daughter is currently pulling a D- in math. This is her phone."

The only thing that you need to be careful of is not smashing the hell out of your phone screen when you're celebrating getting your phone back!

"Burned my hand cooking, made it look better! I call him, 'Ryan Goose-ling.'"

They did a honking good job with this. What Ryan Gosling film would you like to see where he is replaced by a goose for the entire film?

"Problem solved!"

Wow, that cat looks absolutely furious to have been deprived of sitting on their keyboard. That keyboard was their one true love, let them be together, damn it!

"The joy of being a parent to three young girls..."

However, the more your hearing gets damaged, the less you will be able to hear the noise that is causing you hearing loss!

"Wall got busted from water damage, I think it looks way better now."

The fact that this was due to water damage and there is an electrical socket right next to it is slightly worrying. They could be the Teenage Melted Ninja Turtles if they're not careful.

"My professor said I could only use one notecard..."

Yet again, another person who put more time into getting around the rules than I ever put into the entirety of my school work.

"My valentine captured me taking a nap...aww."

Cute! But, aren't you sleeping on the bed backward? That's definitely the only issue or point of concern in this photo.

"[...] If your key breaks in half, just stick it into a potato like my friend did this morning."

Finally, a good answer for when people ask why I keep a potato with me at all times. It's not the real reason but...don't worry about that.

"Parking in Australia."

Starting with a compliment really makes the upcoming insult sting so much more, excellent technique.

"The ice cream cake I ordered for Valentine’s Day said 'I Love You' but some of the letters fell off during transit."

No, wait, this is perfect. The pink heart keeps it cute but the "yo" makes it casual, a perfectly neutral Valentine's Day cake.

"A young elephant tries to hide behind a lamppost after it was caught eating sugar cane in a Thai field."

What do you mean, elephant? I don't see any elephant in this picture, no sir, better look for him elsewhere.

"Someone in my condo is ready to get back to in person learning."

That kid turned that boring office chair into a one-of-a-kind piece of art, they should be grateful!

"That time I was at the McDonald’s drive through and got side eyed by a dog in a backpack."

Listen, dog, your owner is the one riding a motorcycle (or scooter, whichever) without a helmet. I'd be more worried about his safety choices over my food choices.

Outdoor Freezer.

Forget a conventional freezer, you'll never get a chill on your drinks quite like one from the snowbank trapping you inside.

"Last day at my current job before I start a new one later this week. At least they told me how they really feel [...]."

Aw! The red icing mixed with the scrawled lettering makes it really look like they wanted to write with your blood, how sweet.

"My wife has already had the virus and I didn't so she makes me wait in the car when we get groceries. I made a sign."

At least he is getting out of the house! Although, he can't exactly take advantage of the fresh air that getting out of the house normally entails, which sucks I guess.

"Well, at least something cares about me..."

A seatbelt over my shoulder definitely and accurately replaces an embrace from a lover... It'll totally get me through the day...haha.

"Cracked iPhone back? Use highlighters to 'pimp yo' phone.'"

Would just getting a case for your phone be a much easier and better solution? Yes. But, would it also look better than this? Well, probably yes...but this is kind of cute, right?!