
Quotes For When You're Fueled By Spite And Coffee, But Mostly Spite

I like to think that I'm a pretty chill person. For the most part, I'm able to pick my battles wisely and not get worked up over people or things I can't control.

I assess the issue, adjust to the reality of the situation, and then get through as quickly and efficiently as possible so that I can GTFO.

This works pretty well for me when a fellow customer at the coffee shop is being unreasonably slow, or if a coworker is being flakey.

But very occasionally, my outer shell of chill is shattered.

It could be that a specific person has missed a deadline one time too many, or someone is being completely unreasonable to a poor barista, or simply that I haven't yet had my coffee that day.

If that happens, watch out.

Because that natural ability to quickly shift gears and adjust to situations will be turned against the source of my ire and sheer spite will motivate me to ruin their day.

That ruin will be subtle and perfect and leave me looking damn good while the boss reprimands the target.

That, or I'll simply tell the horrible patron to shut the hell up and then tip the barista extra afterwards.

It's really hard to say. But it will be gloriously spiteful.

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