
Quotes For When Your Love Of Food Trumps Your Diet

So in the last six months, I have lost 20 pounds. This is awesome.

I haven't been doing any sort of crash diet, but simply trying to stick to good food choices and portions.

Mostly. I may have indulged a bit too much yesterday...and the day before...well, this week.

Give me a break; it's been a rough one.

My ability to stick to a diet without regular slip-ups is hampered by one very important thing: I really love food.

I also have very little self-control when I'm stressed out.

On a good day, I can take the extra few moments to pour a reasonable serving of chips into a bowl.

On a bad day, that bowl might just keep getting refilled.

On a day when I've just given up with the world, I just eat the whole thing directly from the bag.

And yet, here's the thing: I've still lost 20 pounds in six months.

I guess my point is that often the quest for perfection is what causes people to fail when dieting. You have one off day, so you figure why not have two? Then three?

Then the diet is toast and you're back to square one.

Instead, let yourself off the hook for that bad day. That was yesterday and now you have a new day to try again. As long as you try, you'll make progress.

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