
15+ People Who Found Hilarious Solutions To Weird Problems

No matter what situation some people manage to find themselves in, there are always some people whose ingenuity errs on the...insane side.

So, to showcase a few of these wonderfully innovative people, here are 15+ people who found hilarious solutions to weird problems!

"Neighbor's tortoise escaped and walked almost a street away. At around 250 pounds, this was their solution to get her home!"

That tortoise looks like it is screaming, "I'll do it again damn you! You'll never hold me!"

Over The Hedge...

"Dave, can you give me a hand cutting my hedge at the weekend?"

"Sure! I'll bring my lawnmower and my crane!"


"One of my guys sent me this today!"

This is just straight out of The Three Stooges. It's making my palms feel sweaty just looking at it.

"Boss told me I needed a warning label on the resin cupboard. Sorted."

That's a pretty clear and straight-talking warning sign right there! I bet it'll make people take notice alright.

"Wanted to watch the game on TV..."

I mean, I guess that they managed to watch the game, it's just a bit of a long workaround!

"When you [can't] decide if you want to be a redneck or a hippie."

I can't help but actually find myself really liking this creation. I don't think I've ever wanted a car so much.

Use Whatever Resources You Have!

Someone pointed out how annoying it is that they have two blank books at the bottom and two books with two words on them, and now I can't focus on anything else.

"Grandma sent me this in the mail. Slowest picture message ever."

Sure, it may be the slowest picture message ever, but it is perhaps the greatest picture message ever received at the same time.

"I guess that is one way to fix a bike."

Although, as terrible as this may look, I can't imagine it actually being much more uncomfortable than most bike seats. Those things are the antichrist.

A Hat Like No Udder!

What kind of monster would make this in the first place, let alone wear it?

"I'll just knock, thanks."

Yeah, there would be no way that I would be ringing that bell. If I did, when they opened the door my hair would all be on end.

"Makeshift remote control!"

That MacGyver reboot really did peter out quite unspectacularly didn't it?

"Told the new lad at work we accidentally bought long grain rice, so he spent half an hour chopping them in half."

Look, if he gets paid by the hour then he is still getting paid for this, so it's not really much of a loss!

"For remote teaching without a document camera."

The single coin weight is so wonderfully specific a touch to this catastrophically convoluted design.


Sometimes you are so drunk that you can't bend down to pet a dog without falling over, but this is a fantastic solution!

"I appreciate the honesty, barista..."

For anyone struggling to decipher this, it reads, "I'm out of it and couldn't spell your name, I'm really sorry"! And, judging from the state of their handwriting, they aren't lying.

"My kid said I gave her too many grapes. I said just eat half of em."

Look, she ate half of the grapes, I don't know what else you could possibly have expected here!

This Insane Heated Pool Idea...

This just seems not only dangerous, but inefficient. Would you get in this pool willingly?

"Food isn't allowed in the living room. His tablet isn't allowed in the kitchen. He beat the system. I quit."

It is sad for a parent when their child first outsmarts them, however, it is a sign of good things for the child I guess!

"Never drop a book [in] the bath again. My 8-year-old daughter's invention."

Although, judging from the condition that book is in, this invention is perhaps coming into play a little too late.