13+ Pics That Are Worth A Facepalm Or Two

People never cease to amaze me. Sometimes it's in a "Wow, you're really cool" kinda way...buuuut mostly it's in a way that leaves me with a big, red mark on my forehead after smacking it with my palm so hard.

Today, we're lookin' at people and pics that might just have that effect on you if you're overly dramatic or whatever. Let's check it out and have a laugh!

1. A quick and easy recipe!

Reddit | xNaRwHaLxBaCoNx

I mean, an incredibly easy recipe. Who knew that all you had to do to make homemade eggnog was to just add a touch of eggnog to your mug. I think the secret ingredient is — you guessed it — eggnog.

2. Shrek 5 is looking great.

Reddit | t001_t1m3

Really, there was just no other way they could've set up that marquee, huh? I'm sure the employees there had a blast, actually, so I can't really fault 'em for that.

3. There's lazy and then there's this guy.

Reddit | Emergency_Knowledge

Trust me, I know the urge to do the lazy thing — but driving down the highway lookin' like the ice burg that sunk the Titanic isn't doing anyone any favors, bud.

4. She did, huh? If you say so.

Reddit | hdmemez

This would mean we've got about 7–8 million people on Earth. I always figured the population was way, way larger than that — but what do I know, right?

5. Sorry, come again?


That's right, never underestimate your teachers, kids. Even if, ironically enough, they don't pick up on any double entendres that get thrown their way. Clearly, they should've gone with the phrase, "Study Hard, Integrate Teachers all over your school."

6. Yeah, they should definitely make security tags easier to take off.

Reddit | JustSandwich

The secret, as this person pointed out, is to walk up to the cash register and exchange some money. If you're lost or confused, there's usually a tag on the pants to tell you just how much money to give. *rainbow* The more you know.

7. I keep clicking, but nothing's happening!

Reddit | pagodelucia123

Stupid analog news! I don't even know how to turn the volume up on this thing. Plus, all the gifs are broken, they're not moving at all!

8. That's gonna stink.

Reddit | siamms

It's always funny when someone tries to post something relatable but it's actually way more ridiculous than you could imagine. I dunno, I just love that irony.

9. Who does this lady think she is?!

Reddit | UnlikelyJuice

Lol, people on Twitter will argue with anyone about anything. I'm sure Rowling started taking notes as soon as this person clarified what her characters were actually all about.

10. "The MANY bite marks on this bowl of fake fruit in the place I'm renting..."

Reddit | VenusSmurf

I don't think you can blame the first person who took a bite of one of these, but after the fourth bite mark is in there, couldn't you start to pick up that something's wrong?

11. Now that's my kind of wedding! 

Reddit | Nerdiant

At least the skeleton in the front seems really excited about the affair. Looks like it's saying, "You're getting married?! OMG, I'm deaaad!"

12. A bit too hot to handle.

Reddit | TwesTo

When your computer gets to roughly the same temperatures as the sun, you might want to call tech support. When it's roughly three thousand degrees hotter than the sun, you might want to call NASA.

13. Relaxing with that good stuff.

Reddit | Tyler06GwanOx

And here I am just drinking my Capri Sun like a nerd. I didn't even know you could smoke them these days. Let's...not actually do that.

14. Kanye would be prude...er, proud. 

Reddit | Exitbuddy1

Hey, if it makes you "strouger," then all the power to ya. It's actually not that bad of a tattoo, overall, but maybe cursive isn't the best font to go with.

15. Taking things a bit too literally.

Reddit | basshead541

Did...did she think the bags would benefit the freezer somehow? Kinda like how you put baking soda in the fridge? That's my only guess here.

16. It's okay, we still think you're cool.

Reddit | Mr_Gollum

But I don't know why you'd want to go around advertising how uncool you are with a purse like that. Maybe I just don't understand fashion.

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