
Woman On TikTok Says Wearing A Thong Landed Her In The ER

I always knew thongs were dangerous.

Comedian Hillary Zinks took to TikTok to tell a frankly horrifyingly hilarious story about her recent trip to the ER. The reason? Well, she wore a thong.

Here's what happened.

WARNING: It's about to get gross-up in here. If you're squeamish, keep on scrolling.

So, here's what's up.

Hillary said that she was out of town when she started to notice that her butt hurt in a new, strange way. It was right above her butt crack, and it was not a fun feeling.

She genuinely felt like she had hemorrhoids.

Um, no thank you. Those things are painful af.

When she got home, she decided to tell her mom.

Being a mom, she immediately asked to see Hillary's butt. I love moms.

So, her mom took a look at her butt.

Unfortunately, she couldn't see anything. At this point, the pain was pretty bad, and her mom was concerned. Hillary hadn't fallen, so there was no reason for her butt to hurt.

Her mom decided they needed to go to the ER.

As it turned out, it was a good thing they did. She had an abscess on her butt that required emergency surgery.

An ABSCESS. ON HER BUTT. Y'all, I am rolling right now.

She had to have surgery to drain it.

An abscess is a build-up of blood and pus that is pretty painful to the touch. It's usually a sign of infection, and should be treated by a medical professional. Pimple popping community, abscesses are not for you. in certain situations, they can be deadly which is why a medical professional needs to treat them.

Of course, having an abscess on your butt was quite literally a laughing matter for Hillary.

"So, they cut me open and they start squeezing the pus (out) and their fingers going through my crack."

Honestly, if you didn't laugh, you'd 100% cry if this happened to you.

Let's just say it was a good thing she came in when she did.

An unchecked abscess infection can lead to death if left untreated. Thankfully, they're not that common! But if you do get one, please see a doctor. Think of poor Hillary and her butt crack.

Man, that abscess left a mark.

And that's putting it lightly.

The doctor, "[...] takes like six feet of gauze and pushes it into my NEW butthole."

Hey! Double the fun, right? I'm sorry, this TikTok is too good to not have fun with.

All this over a thong (remember, that's how this all started).

As it turns out, the abscess was caused by Hillary's thong, which somehow gave her a small cut.

"So, a thong I wore gave me a microscopic cut that gave me an infection that could have killed me."

Practice thong safety, y'all. Or be like me and just skip them entirely. Ugh.
