'Beverly Hills, 90210' Celebrates 30th Anniversary

AH! I know, I'm so sorry to be that person to make you feel old by writing this article right now!

But truly, how could we not commemorate the 30th birthday of one of the most iconic shows of the '90s?!

Beverly Hills, 90210 was the pinnacle of teen drama shows and it truly set the standard for so many shows that came after it!

How has it already been 30 years since this show made the 90210 zip code SO iconic?!

This all-star cast of actor's graced our screens for the first time THREE DECADES ago!

The acid-washed jeans! The teased hair! It's ALL SO MUCH!

This show basically gave us the *The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills* by putting the exclusive, expensive neighbourhood on the map!

What's your favorite BH90210 memory?!

Let us know in the comments below!

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