Facebook | Rodney Smith Jr.

Young Boy Completes Challenge To Mow 50 Lawns For Elderly Neighbors

It's been a rough year, but that doesn't mean there aren't still wholesome, happy stories to be shared. In fact, 2020 being a dumpster fire makes these moments of light even more important, in my opinion.

KXLY News in Idaho reported on just such a story about a young boy named Dallas who has just completed a challenge to mow 50 lawns for neighbors in need.

His amazing achievement was shared by Rodney Smith Jr., the founder of Raising Men Lawn Care Service.

Facebook | Rodney Smith Jr.

The service was created after Smith began cutting the lawns of elderly neighbors and realized it would be a great way to get kids involved in their community.

Besides connecting kids with community members in need, they also launched the "50 Yard Challenge."

Facebook | Rodney Smith Jr.

The initiative is aimed at kids ages 7-17, and challenges them to cut the lawns of 50 elderly, disabled, or people otherwise in need of the help at no charge.

Alongside the feeling of a job well done, the kids are rewarded for their progress.

Facebook | Rodney Smith Jr.

Each lawn they mow is tracked by them sending a photo of themselves and the homeowner to RMLCS. After every 10 lawns, they receive a new shirt in a new color to show their level of achievement.

Once they hit 50, they get the final black shirt *and* a brand new lawnmower, weed whacker, and leaf blower.

Facebook | Rodney Smith Jr.

It's the perfect reward, since it means that the kids can keep on helping out neighbors with the best equipment possible.

Dallas is just one of dozens of kids nationwide who are taking part in the challenge and learning how to be part of a thriving, caring community. Great job, Dallas!

To learn more about the challenge or to sign up you own kid, head over to the Raising Men Lawn Care Service website.

h/t: KXLY

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