
15+ Times Everyday Objects Went All The Way Out Of The Ordinary

"I know what everyday objects look like," you're probably thinking. "After all, I see them, well, literally every day by definition."

Well, what if I told you that some objects, everyday things though they may be, can get a little weird? Don't believe me? Here's photographic proof.

Apartment blocks.

Reddit | [deleted]

Everyone knows that Tibet is a mountainous place, which explains why dwellings need to be built on steep hillsides. Still, looking at all of these Tibetan apartments is almost vertigo-inducing.

Swallowed by the sea.

Reddit | katana_kusanagi

This church that's now off the Brazilian coast was once a landlocked place of worship. But ever since it was abandoned, it's slowly but surely been reclaimed by the sea.

True patriot love.

Reddit | Cuttlefish444

The Netherlands has been grateful to Canada ever since the Second World War. Part of this gratitude takes the form of a tulip that was specially bred to resemble the Canadian flag.

Sandy shores.

Reddit | SnooLemons7574

Sand isn't made of a bunch of uniform tiny rocks. It's actually composed of all sorts of things, as this image (magnified x300) clearly demonstrates.

Hidden for decades.

Reddit | Tofu-Mao

This guy was doing some renovations on his house when he knocked down a wall to reveal a 14th century Renaissance doorway. This is the kind of thing that can happen in history-rich areas.

Heart of wood.

Reddit | CarolynRBlack

It's fascinating — and maybe even a bit unnerving — when organic objects like wood start to resemble different organic objects like a human heart. I mean, this is just uncanny.

Spring into action.

Reddit | marginalmax

During World War I, rubber was a very hot commodity and synthetic rubber wasn't yet reliable. To compensate, bicycle manufacturers experimented with different stuff, including these tires made of springs.

Rainbow pond.

Reddit | jhamad

I realize the reason for this is probably not magical at all (I'm guessing it's an oil or chemical spill of some kind). But when the sun hits this shimmering rainbow pond just right, it's downright magical.

Swim with the fishes.

Reddit | baxterminator22

This building has been abandoned for awhile and its basement levels have become flooded. Somehow, this area has become thoroughly populated by a thriving colony of fish.

Glitch in the matrix.

Reddit | CommonSchemeForYou

I know that architects want to make skyscrapers look all sleek and modern but this one takes things to another level. It looks like the top is just a flat bay of windows with nothing behind them.

Squared up.

Reddit | NoBooksForYou

I've seen salt crystals form as big cubes before but have never seen this phenomenon with an ice crystal. Someone found this one on a frozen treat.

Friendly giant.

Reddit | CStanMM

Normally, it would be a bit freaky to go for a hike and see the gigantic, rocky face of a weird old man in the hills. Somehow though, I feel like this dude is friendly.

Which one's a prescription lens?

Reddit | ChazMoonBeam

Don't ask me to explain this black magic but some glasses prescription lenses cast shadows, while non-prescription lenses don't. It's a strange thing to see in action.


Reddit | ZeligD

This escalator escalates, then it goes weirdly flat for a spell, then it continues to escalate. I've never seen an escalator that does anything but go steadily up.

You don't know how to egg.

Reddit | treykj4109

Someone's chicken laid this weird, bowling pin-shaped egg. They helpfully photographed it next to a normal egg, just in case you forgot what eggs looked like.


Reddit | WorldHooter1

I'm a glasses wearer, but after looking at this pic, I'm extremely glad that my lenses are relatively thin. This really shows where the nickname "Coke bottle lenses" comes from.


Reddit | mrbulve

Are you ever trying to do the dishes, only to find that your bottle of soap has created an impenetrable, soapy force field around itself? Yeah, me neither.


Reddit | joeycloud22

This wine glass broke, revealing a shard in the shape of a teardrop. I'd say it's an accurate representation of someone's feelings after wine o'clock gets disrupted in any way.

Looks delicious.

Reddit | whatever5454

These aren't a bunch of delicious desserts, but rather a bunch of different golf balls that have been cut in half. I have no idea what those inner compounds are supposed to do.

Where the wild things are.

Reddit | [deleted]

This is a fun oddity in the daylight and might just be straight-up terrifying at night. I mean, I don't want to be confronted with a giant troll face on my evening walk.

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