Getty Images | Amy Sussman

Vin Diesel Celebrates His 53rd Birthday

Some celebrities really seem like they are ageless, and when it comes to Vin Diesel, I can't tell if that's because of his youthful energy, his handsome face, or the fact that he's in better shape at 53 than I will ever be in my entire life!

We're celebrating Vin's birthday!

Vin is most well known for his work in the *Fast And Furious* films.

He also has appeared in films like Saving Private Ryan, The Pacifier, Find Me Guilty, and voiced the lovable and iconic Groot in Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy and Avengers franchises.

He's a busy guy!

Vin was born on July 18th, 1967!

Instagram | @vindiesel

That means that this year, Vin is celebrating his 53rd birthday!

I don't know about you, but if I could be in that kind of incredible shape when I'm half a century into my life, I will be one happy person!

Happy birthday, Vin!

Here's hoping that 53 treats him just as well as all the other years have so far!

What's your favorite Vin Diesel movie? I have a huge soft spot for The Pacifier. Let us know yours in the comments below!