
17+ Times People Stumbled Upon Something And Went Viral

Everyone stumbles across stuff. Everyone takes pics of stuff. But it takes a certain level of synergy between the two for a pic to go viral.

If none of your photos have ever gone viral, don't be hard on yourself. Sometimes, it's more fun to be a consumer.

Dual felines.

Reddit | The_RockObama

These socks, when turned inside out, change the design from a sleek, deadly tiger into a chonky tortoiseshell housecat. The effect is so perfect I almost wonder if it's intentional.


Reddit | SiniCatiX

It's like the old saying goes: sometimes you're the train, sometimes you're the wasp that decided to land on the train tracks at the worst possible time.


Reddit | zeriphaxis

I'm not sure what kind of weirdo decided to double-can these green beans, but I don't like it. Judging by the cat's expression, I'm not the only one who doesn't like it.

Super asparagus.

Reddit | yeet12243

I know nothing about asparagus, but apparently, when two stalks are growing close enough together, they eventually combine their powers and turn into a super stalk of asparagus.

Extra luck.

Reddit | Robwsup

I've never even found a four-leaf clover before, but this guy's flaunting his good fortune with this six-leaf clover. Man, some people have all the this case, 1.5x the luck.

A battle 65 million years in the making.

Reddit | hotforhotpie

Imagine going for a hike in the woods and stumbling across an epic dinosaur battle in progress. I don't know who put this together, but I already like them.

Barely a gate at all.

Reddit | Swotboy2000

It's one thing to accidentally leave the gate open overnight, but it's another thing to leave it open so long that the shrubbery literally grows around it and seals it in place.

Pondering life's mysteries.

Reddit | LightSaberBatman

Human-monkey interactions usually involve a lot of screeching and bag-snatching, but even monkeys have their quiet moments. This contemplative little primate is sitting on top of a water tower, taking in the view.

Too big for fetch.

Reddit | karmaKimeleon

The ocean can spill some interesting stuff onto the shore. In this case, a part of a brick wall washed onto this beach. You can tell it's been out there awhile based on its smoothness.

The buoyancy of citrus.

Reddit | verygoodwood

This is an example of how lemons float and limes sink. Science! I mean, I can't even begin to understand whatever science is happening here, but I'm confident that it's still science.

Even Lego messes up sometimes.

Reddit | FestiveJoey

Lego is basically the perfect toy, made by a company with a lot of attention to detail. Sometimes, though, accidents are bound to occur — just look at this misprint.

Very much on brand.

Reddit | J1bbs

On one hand, it's kind of gross to allow your collectibles to accumulate this amount of cobwebs. On the other hand, it feels kind of sacreligious to ban spiders from your Spider-Man figure.

Penny racer.

Reddit | FatBASStard

Covering your car with pennies makes for a unique look, but it must add a bunch of unnecessary weight. It would also cost, like, at least six dollars.

A staircase for ants?!

Reddit | Dom_wpc

Well, realistically, this little staircase is too big for ants. But you know who it's not too big for? Ducks. That's why it was put there by some kind person.

Marking their territory.

Reddit | dumbusername

The shelves at this grocery store have been holding cases of Coca-Cola so long that they've become stained red. I wonder if the shelves in the Pepsi section are blue.

Perfect rainbow.

Reddit | kjh4087

Those stove knobs are all stainless steel, all the same color. But thanks to a perfect prism of sunlight shining through a fish tank, each one takes on a different color.

Is that an old loaf?

Reddit | Rainbow_Aura

It looks like a loaf of bread excavated from Pompeii, but it's intended as a doorstop. Considering the door it's stopping opens into a bakery, I'd say this is effective branding.

Every bubble in its place.

Reddit | ThaBlackBeacon

I don't know what sort of chemistry went into making these bubbles all line up so neatly. All I know is that neat bubbles are a surefire way to get internet points.

Alright then.

Reddit | NutellaOreoReeses

To me, a bike is a bike. I don't need to ride a skeleton. That said, I don't want to judge anyone who does choose to ride a skeleton bike too harshly.


Reddit | mathiasbloodaxe

The next time you catch your hair in a zipper, try to ignore the pain and save the hair. Zippers have a weird way of bending the hair in fun patterns.