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Blue-Footed Boobies Look Like They Belong In A Pixar Movie

Language is a very strange thing.

Something happened in the bird world over the last century or so, where the names of common bird species also became nicknames for a woman's mammaries.

Yes, I'm talking about boobies and tits.

May I present to you the Blue-Footed Booby.

Instagram | @libor_vaicenbacher

Please pause for a moment of giggles.

(If you say you didn't at least smile at the name of this bird, you are clearly a robot.)

Really, it's the combination of this bird's name and its cartoon-like appearance that really make it stand out.

Instagram | @happygringo

The blue-footed booby is a sea bird native to the western tropical and subtropical coasts of Central and South America, as well as the Galapagos Islands.

Seriously though, they look like they belong in a Pixar movie.

If there was another movie in the Finding Nemo universe, set on the eastern coast of the Pacific, these crazy birds would definitely be included.

Boobies come in a few variations, but the blue feet of these guys really makes them stand out.

Instagram | @libor_vaicenbacher

The color is part of how female boobies pick their mates. Healthier males will have a richer blue color to their feet, and sometimes their beak, which tells the ladies who the best partner is.

Unlike with humans, where a blue foot means that you've either cut off the circulation or you're a zombie.

The variations in hue are pretty incredible. Some blue-footed boobies have feet in a rich, dark blue, while others are closer to a bright teal.

And what about that name?

Instagram | @danieldamot

Etymology is a tricky thing, but the avian name "booby" is thought to come from the Spanish word "bobo," which means "stupid."

Since the birds look clumsy and silly on land, European settlers may have begun referring to them that way before time and habit shifted the pronunciation to its current, sillier form.

h/t: National Geographic

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