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Herd Of 50 Elephants Shuts Down Traffic In Thailand

At most, the majority of us will experience traffic disruptions from a train at a level crossing, and every now and then, a parade or a marathon road race, or possibly a fender-bender. They're relatively minor inconveniences, all told, worth a glance and maybe phone call later to a friend, but not the biggest deal.

In Thailand, however, a recent traffic disruption had dozens of folks taking their cameras out.

Police in Thailand were forced to shut down a road to make way for a herd of 50 elephants recently.

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Because when a herd of elephants wants to cross the road, they're going to cross the road, right? Needless to say, the display brought out a large crowd of onlookers.

Rangers had been tracking the herd through the jungle for some time.

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They alerted local authorities when they realized the herd was headed towards the road, and police made the right call to close off the road so the elephants could safely cross, The Sun reported.

And both the onlookers and the elephants appeared to be quite calm and orderly about the whole thing.

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"Nobody minds waiting for the elephants, as the most important thing is that they're safe," said Pratya Chutipat Sakul, who filmed the experience.

"The elephants were all so calm and barely noticed the humans. I feel very lucky to have seen such an amazing sight."

Check out Sakul's full, majestic video of the impromptu elephant parade. What sight!