instagram | @itsjojosiwa

Some Fans Think JoJo Siwa Has A New Boyfriend

JoJo Siwa has a super youthful energy, so it's easy to forget that the teen star is almost 17!

It's no secret that JoJo stays relatively quiet about her private life.

instagram | @itsjojosiwa

She has so much going on professionally she barely has time to talk about herself!

But let's make it clear, JoJo is still just a 16-year-old girl AKA A *very* normal age for teens to start ~dating~ !!!

instagram | @itsjojosiwa

So when a BOY popped up on JoJo's social media, fans were like zomg.

The boy in question is Elliott Brown.

instagram | @itsjojosiwa

"Twinning for the win!! E didn’t have shoes that matched his outfit so i made him wear some fancy sparkly high tops! i’d say we look pretty cool," JoJo captioned the cute pic of the pair.

It seems like Elliot is sharing the social media love as well!

The comments have been BONKAS to say the least.

"okay, but how can she get a boyfriend and I can’t ?" wrote one fan.

"get that bag king!" wrote another.

All of JoJo's comments are basically: "bruh are they dating or what???"


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