
Study Finds Moms Are Happier When Their Kids Have Early Bedtimes

The importance of sleep can't be underestimated for growing children. We know that proper sleep supports a child's growth and development, but now researchers have also learned that it can have a surprising benefit for moms too.

One of the most difficult aspects of parenting is the lack of sleep.

While there isn't much you can do about this with a newborn baby, as kids get older, having a bedtime routine can improve everyone's quality of sleep.

Now, a recent study has confirmed that when kids go to bed earlier their moms are actually happier.

Unsplash | Jelleke Vanooteghem

An organization called Growing Up In Australia tracked thousands of families beginning in 2004. Every two years, researchers interviewed the families on their health.

They found that kids with an early bedtime reported better health, and interestingly, their moms reported better mental health.

Unsplash | Annie Spratt

Every parent needs a breather at the end of the day, and an early bedtime means that parents can have some time to themselves to decompress. It makes sense.

If you've struggled with getting your kids to bed early, it's never too late to start.

Unsplash | Kinga Cichewicz

The key is to have a set routine and to stick to it. It might be hard at first, but kids adapt quickly. Soon it will be second nature.

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