
10+ TV Show Episodes That Were Banned From Airing

Yes, these were the TV shows or moments that were so bad, they had to shut the production down. I know, how could something from Family Guy not make it to TV?

You're about to find out.

"Electric Soldier Porygon"


This episode of the popular children's excuse to sell cards and toys, er, I mean anime Pokemon, was banned because of the fact that it gave kids seizures.

It had a lot of strobe effects. Thanks a lot, Porygon.

"Dial M For Monkey"


This episode of Dexter's Laboratory was banned because... well, no one really knows, but there are rumors.

For starters, the Silver Spooner (a parody of the Silver Surfer) is a really flamboyant stereotype of gays.

One character also gets drunk and throws up.


Adult Swim

This episode of the criminally underrated Aqua Teen Hunger Force was banned for parodying itself, mostly.

They did a marketing stunt around the time of their movie that was perceived as a bomb attack, and episode parodied that.

And then Boston had its bombing.

"The Ricardos Visit Cuba"


Even I Love Lucy wasn't wholesome enough to avoid the banhammer.

A 1956 episode was banned (eventually) because Lucy goes to Cuba in the show, and the relationship between the U.S. and Cuba had...

Well, let's say it soured pretty heavily around the '60s.


Comedy Central

The two hundred and first episode of South Park was either heavily censored or banned, based on which country you live in.

Considering the whole episode was based around showing the image of the prophet Mohammed, it's no surprise as to why.

Most, if not all, SpongeBob episodes.


What? Where could Spongebob Squarepants, one of the most wholesome TV shows in the world, be banned?

Well, think of one of the most dystopian nations on earth and you'll have your answer...

Most, if not all, Spongebob episodes (CONT)


That's right, it's China.

But here's the thing: they didn't actually ban Spongebob from their airwaves... they just banned him from primetime hours.

And what was the reason for this ban?

They thought Patrick and Spongebob were gay.



This episode of The X Files was banned because it dealt with a very controversial theme: incest.

It also has a good deal of graphic violence and uncontroversially is one of fans' favorite episodes.

'Sesame Street': The Entire Series


Which dystopian country banned all of Sesame Street, you ask?

Well, it was your very own (if you live in the US, specifically Mississippi).

They banned it because it had a "highly integrated cast of children".

"Hee Haw! Hee Haw!"


This episode of Fear Factor was not only canceled, but the entire series was canceled because of it.

Let's just say that two contestants were given a choice between two different types of Donkey bodily fluid... and boy did they want to win that million dollars.



Yes, there were even a couple episodes of Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood that was banned!

It's kind of a complicated story, but the bare bones of the episode was it was about the cold war.

And PBS stopped showing it in 1996.



This episode of one of the hippest shows on TV (at the time), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, got canned due to unfortunate timing.

It was about a student who was potentially planning a mass shooting and was set to come out the week after the Columbine incident.

"Buffalo Gals"


This episode of Cow and Chicken is a doozy, so get ready.

It was banned after only one airing because of its portrayal of lesbians.

The "Buffalo Gals" were a motorcycle gang of women who broke into people's houses and chewed on their carpet.

"Patterns of Force"


This 1968 episode of the original Star Trek series was taken off the air and banned from Germany because... well, do you see the way that Spock is dressed?

Like a Nazi!

"Partial Terms of Endearment"


And finally, we have an episode of Family Guy that was too much for TV.

This was an episode that heavily focused on abortion, which was something the silly cartoon series should stay away from.