Man's Secret Promise to Raise Niece & Nephew Shakes His Marriage 😱

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Diply | Diply

Imagine marrying the love of your life, only to find out years later that they've been harboring a secret that could change your entire future together. That's exactly what happened to one woman who thought she and her husband were on the same page about not having kids. Little did she know, her husband had made a life-changing promise to his brother before they even met. Now, their marriage is on the rocks, and the internet can't decide who's in the wrong. 🤔💥

The No-Kids Agreement 🚫👶

roirero | roirero

A Life-Changing Promise 🤝

roirero | roirero

Marriage Bliss... Until Now 💍💔

roirero | roirero

A Sudden Loss 😢

roirero | roirero

Updating the Will 📜

roirero | roirero

The Big Reveal 😲

roirero | roirero

Wife Freaks Out 😡

roirero | roirero

Trying to Calm the Storm ⛈️

roirero | roirero

A Heated Argument 🔥

roirero | roirero

Wife's Reluctant Agreement 😒

roirero | roirero

Marriage on the Rocks 💔

roirero | roirero

A Moment of Reflection 🤔

roirero | roirero

The Internet's Verdict 🌐

roirero | roirero

The Final Blow 😢

roirero | roirero

Whose Side Are You On? 🤷‍♀️

With the husband's secret out, their marriage is hanging by a thread. He's now questioning if he was in the wrong for not telling his wife about his promise to be the guardian of his niece and nephew. The internet has spoken, and they're calling him the a**hole. But is it really that simple? Should the wife be more understanding of the situation, or does she have every right to be furious? Let's see what the internet thinks of this situation... 💬🔥

OP failed to disclose deal with brother, wife's position was clear. YTA 😠

Obakewriter | Obakewriter

Man's secret promise to raise niece & nephew shakes marriage. YTA.

Flashleyredneck | Flashleyredneck

Hiding guardianship plans from spouse, YTA. Apologize and compromise.

strikingfirefly | strikingfirefly

Commenter and reply agree: YTA for guilt-tripping wife. 👎

greenbastardette | greenbastardette

Man's secret promise to raise niece & nephew shakes his marriage 😱

Tamamo_hime | Tamamo_hime

Debate over childfree marriage and guardianship agreement. YTA verdict.

DWYL_LoveWhatYouDo | DWYL_LoveWhatYouDo

OP is YTA for not telling his wife about taking in kids 😒

cinnamonoblivion | cinnamonoblivion

Secret promise causes marital conflict. Commenters judge YTA.

Madmax0412 | Madmax0412

OP called his wife 'selfish' for not wanting to take on his burden. YTA.

BertTheNerd | BertTheNerd

Miscommunication causing marital strife? Discuss expectations early on. 👨🏻‍💻

andsoitgoes123 | andsoitgoes123

YTA for not telling your spouse about being a guardian 🤨

AlarmingSeason2210 | AlarmingSeason2210

Not disclosing a big promise is a big YTA move 😑

SpaceGayWhoAnimates | SpaceGayWhoAnimates

Man's lie by omission causes emotional turmoil and conflict. YTA 😠

readshannontierney | readshannontierney

Man's secret promise to raise niece & nephew causes marital issues 😱

Sincerly_ | Sincerly_

Man's unspoken promise to raise niece and nephew angers wife 😠

BreyeFox | BreyeFox

OP's secret promise causes marital conflict. Commenters agree YTA 😠

[deleted] | [deleted]

Did he forget or purposely not mention raising his niece and nephew?

yonewredditwhodis | yonewredditwhodis

YTA for not telling her. Losing a loved one is devastating 😢

ChemicalParfait | ChemicalParfait

Commenter calls out OP as the a**hole for guilt-tripping wife.

Cocoasneeze | Cocoasneeze

Making life-changing decisions without consulting spouse is a huge YTA 😱

HawkwingAutumn | HawkwingAutumn

Man misled wife about raising kids, expects her to do all work 😡

Roux_Harbour | Roux_Harbour

Assuming wife's consent to raise niece and nephew makes YTA 😡

12thMemory | 12thMemory

OP refuses to compromise on raising niece and nephew, called TA 😬

SoleExpression | SoleExpression

Man's agreement to raise niece & nephew shakes marriage, YTA called out.

maggienetism | maggienetism

Man's secret promise to raise niece & nephew shakes marriage 😬

avast2006 | avast2006

Man's secret guardianship promise causes marital conflict. YTA confirmed 😠

_Bisclavert | _Bisclavert

Commenter calls out OP as a**hole, no replies.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Marriage shaken by uncle's secret promise to raise niece & nephew 😬

MarketingManiac208 | MarketingManiac208

Man wants wife to raise niece and nephew, but YTA say commenters 😱

EngineeringOwn2299 | EngineeringOwn2299

🤔 Man's secret promise to raise niece & nephew shakes marriage

Sethyria | Sethyria

Commenter acknowledges ESH, advises wife to accept or leave.

RegularStatus5 | RegularStatus5

OP's failure to disclose guardianship deal leads to marriage turmoil 😬

littlefluffbunny | littlefluffbunny

CF commenter calls out OP for lying and bullying his wife 🔥

Neither_March4000 | Neither_March4000

Deception and manipulation in marriage 🤯

cynicaldoubtfultired | cynicaldoubtfultired

Huge commitment omitted pre-marriage? YTA, apologize to wife. 😱

cubbies1016 | cubbies1016

Man's undisclosed promise to raise kids causes marital turmoil 😱

holisarcasm | holisarcasm

Man's undisclosed promise to raise niece and nephew causes marital conflict 🤯

RestaurantNo7749 | RestaurantNo7749

User calls out OP for not telling wife about promise 😱

teachingbeauty | teachingbeauty

Debate over whether not wanting kids means letting family become orphans 😕

Nautilusa | Nautilusa

Husband's promise to raise niece and nephew angers wife. YTA.

Huntokar_Goddess | Huntokar_Goddess

Child-free commenter disagrees with OP's assumption, calls him YTA. 😱

nighttimehamster | nighttimehamster

Heartfelt comment urges man to check on his brother ❤

Dizzy_Restaurant_492 | Dizzy_Restaurant_492

Marriage shaken by uncle's secret promise to raise niece and nephew 😬

dezeiram | dezeiram

Commenter calls out OP for being TA, but acknowledges wife's reaction

InternetTowers | InternetTowers

Keeping a secret promise to raise niece & nephew makes YTA

wolfpacker1983 | wolfpacker1983

Man's promise to raise niblings shakes marriage. YTA verdict.

ninaa1 | ninaa1

Man's secret promise to raise niece & nephew causes marital tension 🤷‍♂️

eyeball_chamberss | eyeball_chamberss

User calls out OP for expecting wife to raise niece and nephew alone. YTA 🤯

fruskydekke | fruskydekke

Commenter calls out man's manipulative behavior, deems him YTA 🤫

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenter calls out OP for lying to wife, internet agrees 👍

ladypuffsalot | ladypuffsalot

Did OP make a mistake? Commenters weigh in 🤔

mugaccino | mugaccino

Married childfree woman calls out uncle for secret promise. 🤯

itstheschwifschwifty | itstheschwifschwifty

Husband's secret promise to raise niece and nephew angers wife 😠

Girlwithnoprez | Girlwithnoprez

Commenter celebrates someone leaving an unpleasant situation 🙌

ParsnipPizza2 | ParsnipPizza2

Hiding a promise to raise family members causes marital trouble 😱

Wolfy-Corpse | Wolfy-Corpse

Marriage in shambles after secret promise to raise niece & nephew 😬

WhatsUpDoc666 | WhatsUpDoc666

Commenter calls out OP for not discussing major commitment with SO 🤔

OkWorking7 | OkWorking7

Commenter calls out OP for breaking promise, suggests divorce 😬

flamingodreaming | flamingodreaming

Hiding a life-altering decision? That's a deep betrayal 😱

BlurLeeLurr | BlurLeeLurr

Commenter calls out hypocrisy of wanting to raise blood relatives only 🤔

PoopEndeavor | PoopEndeavor

Hiding major decisions from spouse? YTA, communication is key 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenter calls out OP as a huge YTA 💯

Sheleonore | Sheleonore

Commenter calls out man for being dishonest about raising kids 😠

ozzieinsanjose | ozzieinsanjose

Commenter calls out OP for lying to spouse about kids 🤨

Dammit_Janet5 | Dammit_Janet5

User calls out OP for lying and being unfair 😱

Australiaaa | Australiaaa

Man's secret promise to raise niece & nephew shakes marriage 😬

name-2-come | name-2-come

Secretly becoming a guardian without telling your spouse? YTA 😑

PlushieTushie | PlushieTushie

Keeping a secret guardianship policy from your wife? YTA 😒

Womzicles | Womzicles

Man's secret promise to raise niece & nephew shakes marriage 😬

What-is-in-a-name19 | What-is-in-a-name19

Commenter calls out OP for being TA in guardianship decision 🤨

coconutyum | coconutyum

User calls out OP for being selfish in child-rearing dispute 🤨

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenter calls out OP for breaking promise, marriage in jeopardy 🤮

OverlordPancakes | OverlordPancakes

OP is called out for not disclosing important information 🔍

tahseen_29 | tahseen_29

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