Employee Faces Backlash for Food Allergy at Work Celebration

Chinese restaurant
Unsplash | Debbie Tea

What would you do if your colleagues expected you to compromise on your food allergy when choosing a restaurant for a team lunch? This AITA post follows an award-winning employee who is put in a difficult position when their colleagues want to celebrate the employee's achievements and 40th birthday. Despite previous disputes about their food allergy, the employee suggests a new Indian restaurant. However, one manager has a meltdown and the other wants to go to the Chinese restaurant they always go to. With HR involved and accusations of not being prepared to compromise, the employee seeks fresh perspectives. But are they really in the wrong? Read on for the full story and updates on what happened next.

Celebrating a work award and 40th birthday, despite backlash 🎉

taawardnight | taawardnight

Joining team lunches with food allergy- a tricky situation 🍴

taawardnight | taawardnight

Overcoming food allergy conflicts at work 🍱

taawardnight | taawardnight

Employee seeks solution for food allergy at work celebration 🍴

taawardnight | taawardnight

Janine's insensitive comment causes trouble at work celebration 🤦

taawardnight | taawardnight

Allergy backlash at work celebration leads to chaotic lunch.

taawardnight | taawardnight

Employee suffers severe allergic reaction at work celebration 😰

taawardnight | taawardnight

Allergic employee faces deadly dilemma over work lunch location 🙅

taawardnight | taawardnight

Employee refuses to compromise on lunch location. AITA?

taawardnight | taawardnight

Facing food allergy backlash, employee gets overwhelming online support ❤️

taawardnight | taawardnight

Employee shares PTSD struggle after facing backlash for food allergy.

taawardnight | taawardnight

Mental health matters, even in the workplace. Seek help if needed.

taawardnight | taawardnight

A meeting is scheduled to discuss backlash over food allergy.

taawardnight | taawardnight

Employee offered transfer after facing allergy backlash 🙌

taawardnight | taawardnight

Celebrating new job amidst allergy backlash 🎉🥳

taawardnight | taawardnight

Employee with food allergy faces backlash at work celebration 😠

An employee with a food allergy was faced with a tough decision when her coworkers wanted to celebrate her award and 40th birthday by going out to lunch. They usually go to a Chinese restaurant, which she's allergic to, and Janine, her manager, had a meltdown when she suggested they go to an Indian restaurant instead. The situation escalated, causing the employee to have a breakdown and take a week off work. Now she's back, but the conflict continues. Her coworkers want her to compromise and go to the Chinese restaurant, but she's worried it could kill her. She's seeking fresh perspectives and asking the internet if she's in the wrong. Despite some negative comments calling her a snowflake, she stands firm and is offered a transfer to a new team. Read on for updates on the situation.

Agreeing with comment: Janine's attitude is unacceptable in management.

illusive87 | illusive87

Standing up for your safety at work celebration 🙅‍♀️🍲

lallapalalable | lallapalalable

Skipping lunch over food allergy? HR gets involved 🤣

Krisbone | Krisbone

Stand up for your rights! Use the law to fight back 🤜💥

Aetherfox13 | Aetherfox13

Commenter suggests firing employee over food allergy - Yikes 😬

glitterycloudcrown | glitterycloudcrown

Workplace meltdowns? 🤔 What's the culture like there? 🤷‍♀️

borderlineMEOWIES | borderlineMEOWIES

Celebrate your way 🎉 Others can deal with their issues. NTA.

Responsible_Dot_6055 | Responsible_Dot_6055

Commenter defends employee with food allergy from inconsiderate coworkers 🙅🏻‍♂️

jezebelsub | jezebelsub

Take charge and escalate the issue to upper management 💪

eazolan | eazolan

Supportive coworker stands up for food allergy rights. 🙌

i-needa-nap-pls | i-needa-nap-pls

Respecting food allergies is a must 😍

Cause-Fluid | Cause-Fluid

Suggesting Nepalese cuisine as a compromise 🍛👌

Immediate-Escalator | Immediate-Escalator

Respectful celebration location choice - NTA 🎉

Joecowboy56 | Joecowboy56

Compromising with food allergies at work celebrations 🍴✨

[deleted] | [deleted]

Janine's behavior shocks commenters in food allergy controversy 😳

indecisive_7 | indecisive_7

Solving food allergy disputes at work events 🥗

Struck_down | Struck_down

Employee throws tantrum over Indian food, HR excuses behavior. 🤔

Marzipan-Shepherdess | Marzipan-Shepherdess

The curious case of Janine's outburst over Indian food 🤔

Grizlatron | Grizlatron

Skip lunch altogether, they don't deserve your company 🙅

BlueRFR3100 | BlueRFR3100

Celebrate your own way! NTA for prioritizing your health 🎉👏

Readerdani | Readerdani

Celebrating YOU doesn't mean risking your life. NTA ✊

Major_Cook_5161 | Major_Cook_5161

Food allergy discrimination at work, NTA suggests legal action ⚖️

IndependentShelter92 | IndependentShelter92

Suggestion to get a doctor's note for food allergy discrimination.

maimee78 | maimee78

Food allergy shamed, but why no other restaurant options? 🤔

lulu1234567777 | lulu1234567777

Standing up for yourself at work can be risky 🤪

Belo83 | Belo83

Suggesting a restaurant gift card instead of forced eating out 🍴

Apprehensive_Cat_73 | Apprehensive_Cat_73

Employee threatened to go to labor board over insensitive coworker

CanadianAphrodite | CanadianAphrodite

Supportive comment defends employee with food allergy at work celebration 🙌

BadwolfRoseTyler | BadwolfRoseTyler

Suggesting a solution for inclusive workplace celebration 🍴

daddymememaster125 | daddymememaster125

Being inclusive of food allergies is not rocket science 🚀

ur_ex_gf | ur_ex_gf

Commenter calls out absurdity of workplace food allergy backlash 🤯

Victoria_Eremita | Victoria_Eremita

Co-workers insist on Chinese food despite deadly allergy. NTA.

530SSState | 530SSState

Stand up for yourself and choose who celebrates with you 🎉

Alive-Wall9274 | Alive-Wall9274

Limited restaurant options cause backlash for food allergy at work.

slh44 | slh44

Compromise suggestions offered, HR and coworker criticized, and self-celebration suggested. 🍴

5yn3rgy | 5yn3rgy

Standing up for yourself is not compromise. You're NTA 👏

calaan | calaan

Standing up for yourself in the workplace 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive comment encourages to stand up for themselves, NTA 👏

Flat_Passage_1935 | Flat_Passage_1935

Office drama over restaurant choice, commenter not at fault 😐

tryingagain80 | tryingagain80

Handling food allergies at work: tips for a peaceful celebration 🍲

lyriumstone | lyriumstone

Respect food allergies. Janine can adjust easier than OP. 🙏

cook4life2 | cook4life2

Food allergy is not a preference, it's a necessity 🚫🍔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Employee considers death benefits after allergic work celebration. 💀

TheSecretIsMarmite | TheSecretIsMarmite

Suggesting reasonable solutions for food allergy at work celebration 🍴

Hello725 | Hello725

Exclusion for allergy is NTA, celebrate without Janine 🎉👋

Rachelhappyface | Rachelhappyface

Janine's control issues ruin work celebration for food-allergic employee 🙄

SnooBananas7203 | SnooBananas7203

Employee with food allergy faces backlash for work celebration 🚫🍜

Annual-Contract-115 | Annual-Contract-115

🙌 Not the a**hole! Food allergy shaming is unacceptable behavior. 🚫🍴

Blazing_Mammoth | Blazing_Mammoth

Team bonding is important to them, but not at the cost of Janine's health 🤒

lissy_betty | lissy_betty

British phrases win hearts - NTA comment section ❤️🇬🇧

Jaded-Permission-324 | Jaded-Permission-324

Stand your ground! Your party, your rules 🎉👍

ronja-666 | ronja-666

Food allergy safety measures ignored at work celebration 🤔

lighting-gal | lighting-gal

Celebrating colleagues shouldn't require compromising food allergies. NTA comment.

BTA417 | BTA417

Employee suggests HR compromise for deadly food allergy situation. 😬

merryfan4 | merryfan4

Toxic workplace culture uncovered in food allergy backlash 😱

kombucha_shroom | kombucha_shroom

Standing up for your health is never the wrong move 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Indian restaurant compromise for food allergy - NTA 👍

Good0nPaper | Good0nPaper

Suggesting to drop the work celebration causes controversy 😬

melouofs | melouofs

Employee raises ADA concerns over food allergy accommodations.

mistressalrama | mistressalrama

Soy allergy struggle in the US. Empathy and support given. ❤️

Joebu11211 | Joebu11211

Stand up for your health and choices. You're not a child 🙅‍♂️

Foxyguard24 | Foxyguard24

HR fails to handle food allergy, employee faces backlash 😕

Frolicking_Trex | Frolicking_Trex

Inclusive celebrations are easy with this delicious solution 🍜

Maleficent-Ear3571 | Maleficent-Ear3571

Employee faces backlash for food allergy at work celebration. Supportive reply.

Strawberry-Novel | Strawberry-Novel

Insensitive comment about food allergy at work celebration 😒

Tricky-Block4385 | Tricky-Block4385

Commenter suggests easy solution, but lacks empathy 🤔

YoteViking | YoteViking

Employee faces bizarre backlash for food allergy at work 🤯

wont_eat_it | wont_eat_it

Janine can either suck it up or jump off 🤷‍♀️

Malia87 | Malia87

Sarcastic suggestion for dealing with insensitive coworkers 🤷🏼‍\♀️

Visualhighs_ | Visualhighs_

Stand up for your health 🙏, not everyone will understand 🤷‍♀️

Viva_Veracity1906 | Viva_Veracity1906

Putting your health first at work - NTA 🙌

macci_a_vellian | macci_a_vellian

Employee faces backlash for food allergy at work celebration. NTA stands up to HR for providing safe lunch.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Stand your ground, NTA! 🙌🏼

EmmaginationStation | EmmaginationStation

Don't let a spoiled coworker ruin your birthday celebration 🎉🎂

blurpdurpnurp | blurpdurpnurp

Commenter suggests coworkers are acting childish 🧒🏼

MidnightAngel1914 | MidnightAngel1914

Employee stands up to HR's unreasonable demands over food allergy 🙅‍♀️

SamuAzura | SamuAzura

Commenter questions chaos at work luncheon, suggests no lunch policy.

LockSea8204 | LockSea8204

Struggling with food allergies at work events? YTA or NAH?

ionmoon | ionmoon

Employee faces hostile work environment and health hazards over food.

Momo222811 | Momo222811

No need to accommodate Janine's picky eating habits 🙄

Stunning-Hedgehog-30 | Stunning-Hedgehog-30

Employee not at fault, HR under fire 🔥

ticky_tacky_wacky | ticky_tacky_wacky

Indignant response to exclusion from work celebration 😠

BoscoMcQueen | BoscoMcQueen

Standing up for yourself and your rights at work 🙌

CraigThornton78 | CraigThornton78

Stand your ground and don't compromise with food allergies 👏

elvenmal | elvenmal

Celebrate without food? Get takeout from multiple restaurants. NTA 🎉

wagl13 | wagl13

Solutions for accommodating food allergies in the workplace. 🍴

aquila-audax | aquila-audax

Solutions proposed for allergy issue at work celebration 🤔

gabatme | gabatme

Celebrate your award with a drink and no drama 🍻

[deleted] | [deleted]

Allergy at work event, can you file workman's comp? 🤔

uhhhhh_iforgotit | uhhhhh_iforgotit

Stand up for your allergy rights at work 🙌🏻

UnsureRenter22 | UnsureRenter22

Skip the celebration, hang out with cool coworkers instead. NTA 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]