Teenager Refuses Father's Request for Paternity Test

Putting samples in a test tube.
Unsplash | CDC

A teenage girl is at odds with her dad over his insistence that they take a paternity test to determine if she is his biological daughter. The girl's mum ran away when she was just eight years old and her dad has become convinced that the mum was cheating on him and that the girl is someone else's child.

The girl is hurt by her dad's request and is scared of what might happen if she's not his biological daughter. Read on to find out what she plans to do and whether you think she's in the wrong in this situation.

Teenager denies father's suspicions of her paternity with evidence.

itsunderthesauce16 | itsunderthesauce16

Father demands paternity test, but teenager refuses. 🤔

itsunderthesauce16 | itsunderthesauce16

Teen feels hurt as dad requests paternity test. 💔

itsunderthesauce16 | itsunderthesauce16

Why does the father want the paternity test?

itsunderthesauce16 | itsunderthesauce16

Teenager fears rejection if paternity test proves otherwise.

itsunderthesauce16 | itsunderthesauce16

Teen refuses paternity test, father demands it now. AITA thread.

itsunderthesauce16 | itsunderthesauce16

Teenager fears losing her father's love over paternity test

A teenager is heartbroken after her father requested a paternity test as he believes she may not be his biological child. Despite being a well-behaved child, the teenager feels hurt and confused as to why her father is so desperate to prove that she is not his real daughter.

She worries about the implications of the test and fears that her father may stop caring for her or even kick her out if the results are not in her favor. Even though she is confident that she is his biological child, she is refusing to take the test, causing tension in their relationship.

The teenager is seeking advice and wondering if she is in the wrong for refusing the test. Stay tuned for comments and reactions to this emotional family issue.

NTA, but dad's request for paternity test is causing trauma.

AosothSammy | AosothSammy

Heartbreaking situation for a teenager, feeling rejected by her father.

NinjaBabaMama | NinjaBabaMama

Fatherhood is more than biology. NTA ❤

SurgeeNYC | SurgeeNYC

Encouraging advice on how to handle a sensitive family situation

Tracie10000 | Tracie10000

Have an honest conversation with your father about the test.

aodh_7 | aodh_7

NTA, prepare for independence, and protect yourself from your father.

TexFiend | TexFiend

Avoid paternity test, Reddit can have real-world consequences. NTA.

Ms_CherryBlack85 | Ms_CherryBlack85

Fatherhood is about behavior, not biology. NTA 😊

Elizalayne | Elizalayne

Be prepared for the worst. 😔

readshannontierney | readshannontierney

Family estrangement is tough. Hang in there 🙏

Issyswe | Issyswe

Stand your ground and don't let anyone pressure you ❤️

CandylandCanada | CandylandCanada

Father rejects daughter over DNA results after raising her for 16yrs 😕

sarcasm_and_books | sarcasm_and_books

Teen refuses father's paternity test, but commenter suggests father may need it for closure and to remove uncertainty. Other replies offer sympathy and counseling suggestions. 💔

RevKyriel | RevKyriel

User expresses concern for father's sudden behavior change. 🤔

JulesLovesYou1993 | JulesLovesYou1993

A heartwarming take on fatherhood and paternity tests ❤️

vainbetrayal | vainbetrayal

Don't let him stress you out. Wait until you're 18 😌

Hefty_Candidate_4902 | Hefty_Candidate_4902

NTA. Paternity fraud is toxic and glorified in the US media 🚫👶

sushix3_ | sushix3_

Father refuses paternity test, dodges question about consequences 🤔

FlinnyWinny | FlinnyWinny

Consider safety before getting a paternity test 💬

throwRA-qwert | throwRA-qwert

Teen refuses paternity test, receives support from commenters ❤️

ElsaAzrael | ElsaAzrael

Protecting oneself should not be a burden on the child 🙏

itsjustajump | itsjustajump

Supportive comments for a teenager facing a toxic father. 😔

xickennoogit | xickennoogit

Teen refuses paternity test, receives support against emotional abuse. NTA

indignant-loris | indignant-loris

Teenager stands up to father's paranoia about paternity, suggests therapy 💪

Selena385 | Selena385

It's not your fault, NTA. Your dad needs to move on 😔

astronaot | astronaot

Father's request for paternity test raises trust issues. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenter sympathizes with OP and criticizes their dad. 😮

beast_boy_1905 | beast_boy_1905

OP faces tough choices in paternal relationship with dad 😢

No_Salad_8766 | No_Salad_8766

Don't let your father's anger dictate your worth ❤️

Impressive-Amoeba-97 | Impressive-Amoeba-97

Abandoned by her father, a teenager seeks refuge and support.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Be prepared for the worst, consider counseling or seeking help. 🙏

cassowary32 | cassowary32

A call for a conversation and support, not just Reddit advice 👍

Post_Nuclear_Messiah | Post_Nuclear_Messiah

Heartbreaking situation for teenager forced to make adult decisions. 💔

LiLadybug81 | LiLadybug81

NTA. A messy situation. Be prepared for the worst 📹

redheaddisaster | redheaddisaster

Don't blame yourself, NTA. Seek help from school safeguarding officers 🙏

adapech | adapech

Seek support from a trusted teacher or counselor at school 💛

Jazzlike_Humor3340 | Jazzlike_Humor3340

Navigating the complexity of a paternity test with family 💔

LekoLi | LekoLi

Father's request for paternity test denied - Not the A-hole.

helljack | helljack

Teen's father's sudden paternity test request causing unnecessary stress. 💔

Kovu9897 | Kovu9897

Supportive comment tells OP they are not at fault. 🤝

moongirl12 | moongirl12

Supportive comment warns of potential consequences for seeking paternity test.

SenpaiPies | SenpaiPies

Curious about the dad's motives? 🤔

BoyzMom13 | BoyzMom13

Family secrets revealed: When DNA tests go wrong

AlwaysLivMoore | AlwaysLivMoore

OP's biological father doubts paternity, get test and therapy 💔

AuDoto | AuDoto

Encourage communication with supportive adults, NTA for refusing test 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Heartwarming support for a struggling teenager 🤗❤️

treasurehunter40 | treasurehunter40

Empathetic response to OP's situation and advice on becoming independent.

-Lady_Sansa- | -Lady_Sansa-

Curious to see how this turns out...🤔 #UpdateMe

BigYapingNegus | BigYapingNegus

Concerned commenter asks about sudden behavior change and health issues.

whyagaypotato | whyagaypotato

Heartbreaking situation 💔. Teen refuses father's paternity test request

HoldFastO2 | HoldFastO2

Understanding the father's perspective in a paternity test dispute 🔍

UnicornPanties | UnicornPanties

Sneak a paternity test? 🤫 NTA, therapy & savings advised 💰

Moon_Baby_Aries17 | Moon_Baby_Aries17

Teen refuses paternity test, seeks advice on avoiding homelessness

bibbiddybobbidyboo | bibbiddybobbidyboo

Teen refuses paternity test, seeks guidance to protect self 🙏

Dry-Hearing5266 | Dry-Hearing5266

Seeking family truth without a paternity test. 🤔

Reality_Rose | Reality_Rose

Encouraging advice for a teenager dealing with parental issues ❤️

PatatietPatata | PatatietPatata

Protect your boundaries, you're not responsible for his obsession 🙏

MonPanda | MonPanda

Sneaky solution suggested but deemed illegal by commenter 🤫

All_Tied_Up | All_Tied_Up