Mother Gives Away Son's Dog to His Ex-wife

pet dog
Unsplash | Roberto Nickson

When a son leaves his wife, it can cause a rift in the family. But what happens when the son brings his beloved dog home, only to use it as a pawn in a game of revenge? One mother takes matters into her own hands and gives the dog away to her son's ex-wife. But when the son finds out, all hell breaks loose. Who is the A**hole in this situation? Read on to find out.

A mother's tough decision to give away son's dog

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Carlos left alone after family changes, heartwarming or heartbreaking?

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Grandmother shares complicated love for ex-daughter-in-law's children ❤️

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Man's excessive spending leads to loss of beloved pet 🐾

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Mother gives away son's dog to ex-wife over infidelity 💔

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Beautiful border collie given away as punishment to ex-wife 😢

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City living and pet restrictions 🐶🏢

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Mother's tough love: Gives son's dog to ex-wife 💔

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Son's dog given away after absenteeism and new girlfriend 🐶

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Lost dog found his way back home 😭🐶❤️

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Heartbroken son learns his dog was given away to ex-wife 😢

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Woman faces backlash for giving away son's dog to ex-wife

narrow_cold_4950 | narrow_cold_4950

Mother gives away son's dog to his ex-wife 😱🐶

A mother has caused controversy after giving away her son's dog to his ex-wife. The son had cheated on his wife and moved back home, bringing the dog with him. However, the mother felt that he was using the dog to try and manipulate his ex-wife and was not taking proper care of it. After consulting with the ex-wife, the mother gave the dog back to her and her children. The son was angry and called his mother an a**hole for giving away his pet. What do you think? Was the mother right to give away the dog or should she have let her son keep it? Share your thoughts and reactions in the comments below.

Commenter is NTA for not letting ex-husband keep dog.

Pretty-Royal9021 | Pretty-Royal9021

Grandma rehomed neglected pet, NTA 👍

cutelittlehellbeast | cutelittlehellbeast

Son's behavior leads to consequences and NTA makes tough decision.

Bitter-Conflict-4089 | Bitter-Conflict-4089

Ex-husband abandoned family dog, mother did the right thing 🐶

alien_overlord_1001 | alien_overlord_1001

Returning the family dog to a healthy environment for that breed 🐶

ItisntRocketSurgery | ItisntRocketSurgery

Dog > Son 🐶💔

MaybeLaterThen | MaybeLaterThen

Mother gives away son's dog to his ex-wife, commenters agree son needs to take responsibility for his actions and learn to manage his own home 🐶

S0uth3y | S0uth3y

Judging your son's actions: NTA, him: A**hole 🐕❤️

ProfEmerita | ProfEmerita

Grandma's kindness and wisdom shine through in difficult situation ❤️

Pixie_crypto | Pixie_crypto

Sending the dog to a loving family - NTA 🐶❤️

MC_squaredJL | MC_squaredJL

Dog taken as an ex leverage. Really, dude? 🙄 #NTA

C_Majuscula | C_Majuscula

Dog goes to rightful owner. NTA 🐾

lindseys10 | lindseys10

Grandkids get dog, NTA did good 🐶👍

NatashOverWorld | NatashOverWorld

Mom defends giving away son's dog, threatens to kick him out.

1955photo | 1955photo

Dog custody battle ends with a verdict: NTA

JennnnnP | JennnnnP

Dog's happiness matters more. NTA made a good call 👍

MarioFoscario | MarioFoscario

Grandma saves the day and reunites dog with happy kids 😍

CyclonicHavoc | CyclonicHavoc

Dog belongs to ex-wife and kids, son took as revenge. NTA.

SeraEck | SeraEck

Home rules apply. Why keep dog from his children? #NotTheA**hole 🐶

WrightWife2021 | WrightWife2021

Heartless act of giving away son's dog to ex-wife condemned

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dog custody battle ends with surprising winner 🐶👰

barbiegirlshelby | barbiegirlshelby

Dog given to ex-wife due to neglect, NTA.

kb-g | kb-g

Taking away the dog was not cool. NTA for consequences.

lajera21 | lajera21

Grandma did the right thing by giving away the neglectful son's dog 🐕

ForeignAssociation98 | ForeignAssociation98

Commenter agrees with mother's decision to give away dog.

meatballmonkey | meatballmonkey

Happy ending! NTA returns pupper to kiddos 🐾👍


Mother defends rehoming dog after neglectful ownership by son.

jtheminipony | jtheminipony

Ex-wife gets revenge by taking away son's dog 🐶

newbeginingshey | newbeginingshey

👍 Mother gives away son's dog to his ex-wife, NTA

tractorchick | tractorchick

Dog given away to ex-wife, commenter says NTA 🐶

Sloppypoopypoppy | Sloppypoopypoppy

Dog gone drama 🐶👋 Mother gives son's ex-wife a new best friend

Tricky-Flamingo-7491 | Tricky-Flamingo-7491

Grandma's got your back 👵❤️

gophins13 | gophins13

Setting reasonable conditions for pets in shared custody. 🐶

[deleted] | [deleted]

Putting the dog first 🐶❤️ NTA made the right choice.

Terrible-Owl-76 | Terrible-Owl-76

Grandma is NTA for giving away son's dog to his ex-wife.

CarrieCat62 | CarrieCat62

Mother gives away son's dog, commenters agree son is TA 🐶

aggiesam1983 | aggiesam1983

Dog given to DIL's family! Mom gets NTA judgment 👍🐶

minipoodle-fan | minipoodle-fan

Dog given to ex-wife, NTA says comment. Family-friendly home.

Abcdezyx54321 | Abcdezyx54321

🐶 Dog deserves loving family, not irresponsible son. #NTA

reganmcneal | reganmcneal

Dog custody battle ends with NTA mom making tough choice

Dry_Ask5493 | Dry_Ask5493

Complimenting a patient and understanding mother who sets firm boundaries ❤️

ilmystex | ilmystex

Using a dog as a pawn in a divorce? NTA says commenter

WickedGreenthumb | WickedGreenthumb

This commenter praises someone as their hero. ❤

marajade423 | marajade423

Giving the Border Collie a better chance at happiness 🐶👍

Speirins | Speirins

Ouch, tough love from fellow commenters 😬

Low-Assistance9231 | Low-Assistance9231

Rescuing a neglected dog: Thank you for doing the right thing 🐾

arsonfairy | arsonfairy

Mother gives away son's dog to ex-wife, commenters approve 🐶

sunnydays0306 | sunnydays0306

Heartwarming: Grandkids reunited with their beloved dog 🐾❤️

dudeilikecats | dudeilikecats

Commenter predicts regret for man giving away dog. 😂🐶

RedditVirgin13 | RedditVirgin13

Border collies need special care, NTA did the right thing 🐶

gjwtgf | gjwtgf

Agreeing with the judgment: NTA he needs consequences 👍

Improbablyfromhell | Improbablyfromhell

You made the tough but right call for the dog 🐾

CryExotic3558 | CryExotic3558

Support for OP's decision to give away dog to ex-wife.

Hamilspud | Hamilspud

Dog returns to rightful owner. NTA prioritizes pet's needs 🐶

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA! Giving away the dog to someone who will appreciate it ❤️

toruin | toruin

Grandma saves the day for dog and grandkids! 🐶❤️

Rhiannon8404 | Rhiannon8404

Dog's tail wagging shows joy of seeing grandkids, NTA.

cobaltaureus | cobaltaureus

Border collie deserves better, NTA for giving it to ex-wife 😡🐶

shadowmaster132 | shadowmaster132

Standing up to manipulative exes: NTA wins the day! 🙌

gurlwithdragontat2 | gurlwithdragontat2

Dog gone good decision! NTA wins.

Adorable-Strength218 | Adorable-Strength218

Ex-husband abandons dog, blames mother. Not the a**hole.

sbh56 | sbh56

Grandma wins the moral high ground in dog drama 🐶

Nielleluvzu628 | Nielleluvzu628

Heartless act reversed. Grandpuppy deserved better. Not the a**hole.

curly_lox | curly_lox

Putting the children and the dog first. 👏

QMWBforever | QMWBforever

Praising a responsible pet owner 🐾

Tmoran835 | Tmoran835

Mother is praised for giving away son's dog to his ex-wife. 👏

sis3838 | sis3838

Son's entitlement causes harm. NTA for giving away dog 🐶

Notdoingitanymore | Notdoingitanymore

Commenter praises mother for taking control and standing up for herself 🙌

Crazy_Flatworm2989 | Crazy_Flatworm2989

Grandma saves the day 🐶👵

Little_Season3410 | Little_Season3410

Grandma's got the power! 👵🐶

Sufficient_Method588 | Sufficient_Method588

Working dad not spending time with kids - NTA wins.

Live_Background_6239 | Live_Background_6239

Heartwarming comment about dog custody 🐾❤️

dr_learnalot | dr_learnalot

Heartwarming comment shows gratitude towards conscientious human for doing right ❤️

SummerOfMayhem | SummerOfMayhem

Mom praised for giving away son's dog to ex-wife 👍

Rainbow-Shark-798 | Rainbow-Shark-798

Responsible move returning dog to ex-wife. NTA in situation.

Inevitable-Train5723 | Inevitable-Train5723

Dog gone: Son's neglect justifies NTA's decision.

TearCompetitive9735 | TearCompetitive9735

Supportive comment gets straight to the point 👍

SynapticDelay | SynapticDelay

Grandma saves the day and the dog! 🐶 NTA

maypopfop | maypopfop

Ex-wife gets dog in custody battle, commenter approves 👍

Current-Fan475 | Current-Fan475

Dog neglected, ex-wife gets custody. NTA for mother.

PrestigiousWedding36 | PrestigiousWedding36

Dog given away to ex-wife, commenters agree NTA 🐶❤️

silent_whisper89 | silent_whisper89

Supportive comment, good for you 🙌

schindig504 | schindig504

Dog custody battle ends with surprising winner 🐶👀

FormerlyKnownAsDavy | FormerlyKnownAsDavy

Mother gives away son's dog to his ex-wife. Commenter thinks the son is in the wrong.

SeasonMystic | SeasonMystic

Using pets as leverage is wrong, but in this case... 🐶

newintheNW | newintheNW