Stepdad Throws Son's Xbox In The Pool, AITA For Demanding Payment?

Alfe Mercado
Xbox console
Unsplash | Diego Marín

Quality time with my son, a happy custody agreement 🤗

hills-mountains35 | hills-mountains35

Teen works hard to buy things stepdad won't allow, AITA?

hills-mountains35 | hills-mountains35

Stepdad ruins Xbox dreams, sparks family feud 😠🎮

hills-mountains35 | hills-mountains35

Stepdad throws son's Xbox in pool, mom's house rules questioned.

hills-mountains35 | hills-mountains35

Stepdad threatens son's Xbox, sparks conflict with AITA poster 🎮

hills-mountains35 | hills-mountains35

Stepdad throws Xbox in pool as punishment for not mowing lawn

hills-mountains35 | hills-mountains35

Stepdad throws Xbox in pool as punishment for neglected chores 😡

hills-mountains35 | hills-mountains35

Stepdad destroys Xbox as punishment, AITA for demanding payment?

hills-mountains35 | hills-mountains35

Stepdad destroys Xbox, OP demands payment. AITA for leaving?

hills-mountains35 | hills-mountains35

Mom defends stepdad for throwing Xbox in pool, AITA?

hills-mountains35 | hills-mountains35

Demanding payment for Xbox after stepdad throws it in pool 💰

hills-mountains35 | hills-mountains35

Responsible son caught in stepdad's rage, demands compensation. 💰

hills-mountains35 | hills-mountains35

Stepdad throws Xbox in the pool as punishment, AITA for demanding payment?

A father demands payment for a new Xbox after his son's stepdad threw it in the pool as punishment for playing instead of doing chores. The father argues that the stepdad is overbearing and power tripping while the mother claims it's tough love. The situation escalates as the father takes the son out of the house, leading to accusations of preventing the mother from seeing her son. Read on for the reactions and comments on this intense family drama.

Protect your son and take action against abusive stepdad. NTA 🚫💰

kidwhonevergrowsup | kidwhonevergrowsup

Stepdad's tough love is actually abuse, NTA for protecting Adam. 💪

Professional_Ad_1468 | Professional_Ad_1468

Step-dad destroys son's Xbox, NTA for reporting to police and demanding payment 💰

Mindless_Prior_6785 | Mindless_Prior_6785

Stepdad destroys Xbox and relationship with stepson, NTA for demanding compensation. 🎮💔

AlphaQueen3 | AlphaQueen3

Stepdad destroys Xbox, commenters support payment demand and custody change 🎮💔

BeefRage | BeefRage

Demanding payment for destroyed Xbox, NTA seeks custody agreement update ⚖️

Massivesigh100 | Massivesigh100

Stepdad destroys Xbox over lawn mowing, NTA for demanding payment 💰

chiterkins | chiterkins

Stepdad destroys Xbox, commenters suggest removing son from situation. 💻💔

BreadstickBitch9868 | BreadstickBitch9868

Protect your son, seek legal help 🚨

ManicLyn | ManicLyn

Commenter supports OP, but someone disagrees with a snarky reply

Appropriate-Hat-4243 | Appropriate-Hat-4243

Concerned commentator suggests legal action for child's safety ❤️

Alyassa_A_ | Alyassa_A_

NTA, lawyer up and get custody changed. 🙌

justbcoz848484 | justbcoz848484

Stepdad destroys Xbox, NTA demands payment, possible legal action 💸

LeReineNoir | LeReineNoir

Protect your son and confront the stepfather, NTA 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Demanding payment and full custody after stepdad destroyed Xbox. 💔

jammy913 | jammy913

Demanding justice for Adam's abuse and custody, not tough love. 💪🏼

jasemina8487 | jasemina8487

Stepdad destroys Xbox, violates custody agreement. NTA, but get lawyer.

Turbulent-Ad-480 | Turbulent-Ad-480

Stepdad destroys son's Xbox, NTA for demanding payment 💰

ash_ninetyone | ash_ninetyone

Stand up for yourself! 💪 File a police report 🚓

bookshelfie | bookshelfie

Press charges or SCC and get it in writing 💻💰

mazzy31 | mazzy31

Commenter supports OP's decision to demand payment for destroyed Xbox

Bailey_Hollow | Bailey_Hollow

Unhinged stepdad throws Xbox in pool, NTA demands payment 💰

burnmyburningburner | burnmyburningburner

Fight for custody and protect your son from abusive stepdad 💪👨‍👦

ihateadultinglol | ihateadultinglol

Protecting his son or creating more drama? 🤔

Crafty-Emotion4230 | Crafty-Emotion4230

Mother failing son by allowing husband's abusive behavior, take legal action.

SufficientFinding3 | SufficientFinding3

Take him to court and fight for custody 💪

Existing-Ad1720 | Existing-Ad1720

Commenter sympathizes with son and criticizes stepdad's behavior 👍

ManufacturerHuge2197 | ManufacturerHuge2197

Legal action and custody change advised. Poor kid. 😢

AshleyAnn918 | AshleyAnn918

Stepdad destroys Xbox, commenter suggests custody battle, NTA verdict.

quack2thefuture2 | quack2thefuture2

Discussing boundaries with a stepdad who threw an Xbox

Lshubin | Lshubin

Revisit custody arrangement, son deserves better 🤔

sumg | sumg

Stepdad destroys son's Xbox, NTA for demanding payment, abusive situation.

babsiegirl70 | babsiegirl70

Stepdad throws Xbox in pool, verdict ESH. Stepdad should pay up.

Blondieonekenobi | Blondieonekenobi

NTA: Commenter suggests legal action and custody change for damaged Xbox.

Hideyohubby | Hideyohubby

Supportive comment encourages leaving toxic environment for son 🙏

jmnfaftg85 | jmnfaftg85

Petition for custody? 🤔 This situation could escalate. 😬

bizianka | bizianka

Fair trade? 🤔 Son's Xbox for stepdad's TV in pool

unpopular-opinion-lo | unpopular-opinion-lo

Stepdad destroys son's Xbox, commenters agree he's the a**hole.

rjinchico | rjinchico

Standing up for his son, a father calls out bullying 🚫🎮

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up against abuse. You go, NTA! 👏

Mrs_SpaceEel | Mrs_SpaceEel

Take legal action, protect the child 🚨💼

HexStarlight | HexStarlight

Protect your child and their happiness 🙏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenter suggests revisiting custody agreement due to abusive stepdad.

Yui_Ma | Yui_Ma

Agreed, punishing a child by destroying their belongings is unacceptable 🙅‍♂️

LobsterBoi420 | LobsterBoi420

Heartwarming comment about the importance of protecting children from abuse ❤️

Ok-Introduction-2602 | Ok-Introduction-2602

Parenting done right! 🙌🏼

AlternativeAd3652 | AlternativeAd3652

Demand justice for stolen Xbox, take stepdad to court 💰⚖️

naliedel | naliedel

Protect your son, stand up to abuse. NTA 🙌🏻

ComprehensiveBand586 | ComprehensiveBand586

Protecting son from abusive stepfather, seek legal advice immediately 🚨

calling_water | calling_water

NTA demands payment after stepdad throws Xbox in pool 💸

[deleted] | [deleted]

Protecting your child from abuse is NTA 🚫👊

Snailpics | Snailpics

Protect your son from an abusive stepdad, take legal action 🚨

queen0fchaos9963 | queen0fchaos9963

Teach your son to stand up for himself 💪🏽 and use the courts 🏛️

Algebralovr | Algebralovr

Stepdad's behavior deemed abusive, NTA for demanding payment 💰

CruellaFrost | CruellaFrost

Support for victim of controlling and destructive stepdad 💪

asianinindia | asianinindia

Stepdad's true colors revealed in destructive act towards son's Xbox.

TheDevilsAdvokaat | TheDevilsAdvokaat

🚨Demanding payment for destroyed Xbox. Police report recommended.🚔

chlorenchyma | chlorenchyma

Stepdad throws son's Xbox in pool, commenter defends video games 💻🎮

wubbly-wump | wubbly-wump

Demanding payment and custody after Xbox incident, NTA or ESH?

Psychological_Pack23 | Psychological_Pack23

Legal action advised over child labor demand. ⚖️

Kabuki431 | Kabuki431

Fight for custody and safety, not just Xbox reimbursement. 💪

TheDarkWasThereFirst | TheDarkWasThereFirst

Mother enables stepdad's behavior, demands justice for destroyed Xbox. 💻🏊‍♂️

Wooden-League-9547 | Wooden-League-9547

Destroying property as punishment is abuse, NTA stands up.


Pushing for full custody to protect son from abuse 👍

Kfw4102012 | Kfw4102012

Agreeing with NTA verdict 👍

qx9r7man | qx9r7man