Woman Upset With Homemade Cake For Birthday

A piece of chocolate cate on a plate.
Unsplash | Will Echols

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Judging someone's birthday cake, AITA?

_dissapointment_6 | _dissapointment_6

Birthday disappointment leads to family conflict 😕

The woman in this story describes her disappointment with her boyfriend's homemade cake for her birthday after he said he couldn't afford a nicer one. She had suggested they go to a more expensive restaurant, but he said they couldn't afford it and they ended up eating at home.

While the meal was good, the cake was not what she had hoped for. Her boyfriend's daughter had helped make the cake and he now says that the woman upset his daughter when she expressed her disappointment. The woman is now asking Reddit if she is the a**hole for not appreciating the effort put into the cake.

Read on for the comments and reactions to this family conflict.

OP complains about homemade cake, called out for being materialistic 🎂

EveningJellyfish1 | EveningJellyfish1

Commenter calls out entitlement and suggests finding a new bank account 💰

latefordinner__ | latefordinner__

Entitled 33-year-old rejects nice homemade cake for lavish expectations. YTA.

cillianellis | cillianellis

Commenter calls out woman for being a gold digger 🎵

ImpressiveCollar5811 | ImpressiveCollar5811

OP criticized homemade cake, called YTA, gets roasted.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Effort and time are valuable currencies too! YTA 😒

JanusIsBlue | JanusIsBlue

Birthday cake disappointment sparks YTA judgment and entitlement accusation.

pathto250s | pathto250s

Birthday cake disappointment leads to harsh judgment and loneliness.

SleazeballGang | SleazeballGang

Debate over boyfriend's birthday cake choice sparks controversy 🎂🤔

JudgeJudAITA | JudgeJudAITA

Demanding and unappreciative girlfriend insults boyfriend's heartfelt efforts. YTA 😒

plscallmeRain | plscallmeRain

Commenter calls out birthday girl's materialism, others agree 💰🎂

Lovegivingadvice | Lovegivingadvice

Debate over birthday cake for spoiled woman continues 🎂🤔

Different-Bug6250 | Different-Bug6250

Commenter calls out entitled behavior towards partner's income 💰

A_Marie92 | A_Marie92

Commenter accuses OP of being materialistic and ungrateful 💰

ButteryBisquit | ButteryBisquit

Woman criticized for wanting expensive cake, YTA replies with backlash

fatalisticshrug | fatalisticshrug

Why is the commenter being called an a**hole? 🤔

Thia-M3762 | Thia-M3762

Ungrateful birthday person receives a homemade cake and complains 😒

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenter calls out entitled attitude, suggests showing gratitude 🙏

askingforafriendzone | askingforafriendzone

Ungrateful behavior towards homemade cake. YTA. 🤔

MrsMalch | MrsMalch

Commenter calls out gold digger, gets support from reply

bzsbal | bzsbal

User calls out birthday woman for being ungrateful 🎂

tinytyranttamer | tinytyranttamer

Be thankful for the thought 💭🎂 Money is tight sometimes.

unjessicabiel_evable | unjessicabiel_evable

Commenter calls out YTA in a humorous way 😂

[deleted] | [deleted]

Harsh judgment on OP's character for cake complaint 💔

toddwhit81 | toddwhit81

Commenter calls out entitled behavior for free cake. YTA 🍰

MountainTomato9292 | MountainTomato9292

Appreciate the effort, YTA for not being grateful 🍰😕

Regular_Giraffe7022 | Regular_Giraffe7022

Expecting a lavish birthday surprise from broke partner? YTA 🎂💔

fakemonalisa | fakemonalisa

Homemade cake symbolizes love and care, apologize and appreciate it. YTA ❤

violetrosesnyc | violetrosesnyc

Appreciate the effort, not the cost 🎂💕

bitchy_badger | bitchy_badger

Commenter shuts down accusations of being a gold digger 💰

SpiderIridescence | SpiderIridescence

Stop lamenting and be grateful for homemade cake 🎂💕

snarkprovider | snarkprovider

Ungrateful partner insults homemade cake, gets called out (YTA) 😒

BDSM_Queen_ | BDSM_Queen_

Woman prioritizes fancy cake over handmade one, called out YTA 👀

haveitgood | haveitgood

Unhappy birthday girl called out for being ungrateful 🎂👎

misbrehave | misbrehave

Birthday cake disappointment leads to financial misunderstanding. YTA.

ComprehensiveBand586 | ComprehensiveBand586

Ungrateful OP called YTA for being selfish about cake 🎂

lambchop614 | lambchop614

Partner transparent about finances, YTA for being ungrateful 🙄🎂

[deleted] | [deleted]

Personal homemade cake is better than an expensive store-bought one 🎂❤️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Managing expectations in relationships is key. 🎂

the-Lady-Lazarus | the-Lady-Lazarus

Entitled woman berates partner for not buying expensive cake 🎂

Allaboutbird | Allaboutbird

Birthday cake disagreement leads to financial tension. YTA.

throwawaywedding444 | throwawaywedding444

Commenter calls out OP for being a gold-digger. YTA 🤔

squirrels33 | squirrels33

Homemade cake as a birthday gift? YTA according to commenter.

LaPipistrella | LaPipistrella

Don't be a cake snob 😒 Appreciate the effort 🎂

DumbAceGirl | DumbAceGirl

Homemade with love, but not appreciated. YTA needs apology. 😕

Cokeycane | Cokeycane

Birthday disappointment sparks harsh judgment from commenters. YTA.

GingerliciousMJ | GingerliciousMJ

Choosing beggar ungrateful for heartfelt homemade cake 🎂

Embarrassed_Ad4000 | Embarrassed_Ad4000

OP values gift based on cost, not effort. YTA.

Marlequinn | Marlequinn

Birthday budgeting. YTA for being ungrateful about his efforts 🎂

BooksAreLuv | BooksAreLuv

Birthday entitlement at its finest 🎂😒

odietamo90 | odietamo90

Why expectations can lead to disappointment 😔

CPhyperdont | CPhyperdont

Gratefulness over entitlement. 🎂

musical_spork | musical_spork

Homemade cake not enough? YTA, don't guilt trip.

albusseveruspotty | albusseveruspotty

Commenter calls out selfish behavior in relationship 🤔

ArtPresence | ArtPresence

Doubting the authenticity 🤔

dweebled | dweebled

Gratitude is key 🙏 Learn to appreciate small gestures

LollipopThrowAway- | LollipopThrowAway-