Giant Saint Bernard Swipes Mom's Breakfast

Jordan Claes
Moose the Saint Bernard relaxing on the grass.
instagram | @babymoooossee

When you own a dog, you have to hone in quick reflexes. In the blink of an eye, your four-legged friends can upend your day in the most inexplicably clever and infuriating of ways.

Recently, a giant Saint Bernard named Moose was left unattended for a matter of seconds, and in that time decided to devour an entire bowl of cereal — much to the chagrin of his mom.

Anticipation Is Key

Two Saint Bernards laying down beside one another, enjoying their bones.
instagram | @babymoooossee

When raising dogs, especially young puppies, it's best to adopt a "Murphy's Law" approach. That means that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong — it's simply a matter of time as to when. Therefore, no stairwell should be left ungated, no laundry basket placed on the ground, and absolutely no food can be put down anywhere even remotely within reach. We try our best, undoubtedly, but even our best at times isn't good enough.

Moose's Friendly Reminder To Mom

Moose the Saint Bernard waiting for his mom outside of the bathroom door.
instagram | @babymoooossee

Moose is a two-year-old Saint Bernard who weighs 190 lbs. This gentle giant loves going for walks with his two younger sisters, Olive and Lucy, and basking in the hot sun (so long as there are ample amounts of doggy ice cream readily on hand).

Recently, Moose's mom was enjoying a quiet morning to herself over a bowl of cereal. She got up for just a moment and when she returned to the couch, Moose was there waiting for her.

"Literally Got Up To Grab My Phone And Come Back To This"

Saint Bernard eating a bowl of cereal that was left unattended.
TikTok | @babymoooossee

Moose had indeed discovered his mom's misplaced bowl of cereal and he set to work on devouring it before she could return. As he greedily slops up every last remaining Cheerio, milk splashes all down his front and onto the couch. "Moose! That's my cereal!" his mother exclaims.

Unfortunately, the damage had already been done. The cereal vanished without a trace, leaving a milk-stained dog behind as the only evidence of the snatch-and-grab heist.

Delighting TikTok Users

"I love that he doesn't even stop when you come back," TikTok user @Roydonk420 commented.

"Not gonna lie, I thought he was eating the couch at first," fellow pet influencer @tuckerbudzyn joked.

Unfortunately, Moose has developed a taste for the finer things in life. On top of enjoying his parents' bowls of morning cereal, he's also been known to gulp down pints of non-alcoholic Bowser Beer, as well as feast on all assortments of delectable homemade doggy donuts. This dog eats better than most humans!