Cat's Reaction To Seeing Snow For The First Time Is So Cute

Chisom Ndianefo
Close-up picture of a cat
Shutterstock | 3981437

For folks, the winter's first snowfall is a magical season, but you would be surprised it's no different for felines. Historically, our feline buddies have been both predator and prey. Although they usually adapt well to change, they are fascinated by everything. We were curious to know if cats were interested in snow or hated the cold, and now we are about to find out. TikTok is completely enamored with the lovely cat, and it's understandable why.  The fine white powder and the cat's animated response will forever be etched in our memory.

Swipe to see what we mean.

Kit Is Intrigued By Snow

What a beautiful sight to see; we love how the hairy creature hops from one side of the tub to the other, eager to learn more about the material, and our kitty companion continues going. Since the video's release, it has received more than 3,000 comments, roughly a million likes, and 3.5 million views on TikTok. The TikTok user captioned the now-viral video;

Kit is my 2.5year old male ragdoll, I’ve never known a cat to be so obsessed with snow as kit is. He is not an outdoor kitty, but as soon as he sees snow he just wants to be outside playing in it( I do take him out on his harness during snow falls as he loves it). Every snowfall I fill a bin up with fresh snow and dump it in the tub for him to play in, he will play in it until it’s melted

Reaction From Tiktok Users

With such high viewing counts, it's understandable why his new and old fans new and old—are fixated on this scene and have taken to leaving comments to share their thoughts.

"This is so precious," this is GENIUS. my two kittens are missing the woods we found them in and want to play outside what a good idea! I'm def doing this once the snow starts sticking outside 🥰

How To Train Your Cat To Like The Snow

If you've acclimated your outdoorsy cat to a collar and harness successfully, she might also be open to becoming used to the snow. With the help of positive reinforcement training, one can begin with modest, brief excursions and associate the snowy excursion with something gratifying, like her preferred treat. Your cat can still enjoy the pleasures of winter in her feline manner, even if the great outdoors doesn't make her purr.

Advice For Cat Owners

Cat owners should always take measures when introducing their pets to snow for the first time, according to the renowned animal welfare organization Cats Protection.