Guy Finds Huge Message In A Bottle Floating In River

Ashley Hunte
A message in a bottle on the shore of an ocean.
Unsplash | Jayne Harris

When you go out sailing or fishing in any large body of water (not just the ocean, but lakes or huge rivers, too), you might have the chance to see some really neat stuff. People leave random things out in the water all the time. Though, finding something like a message in a bottle still seems pretty rare.

A Reddit user by the name of Gregphish shared a picture of a message bottle he found while fishing in the Patuxent river off Solomons Island in Maryland, only it was a lot more than one message! In the picture, which he posted to the Mildly Interesting Reddit community, you can clearly see a bunch of messages!

The Picture Shows The Enormous Bottle The User Found.

A large bottle full of tiny messages that a Reddit user found.
reddit | Gregphish

Posted less than a day ago as of writing, the image has been upvoted over 57 thousand times and given tons of awards.

The picture itself shows the user holding the glass bottle, which is much larger than you'd expect. Inside, about a dozen rolled pieces of paper are resting next to one another, accompanied by a small bag that's tied up. Two pieces of paper surround the messages and face outward, but the angle of the picture prevents them from being read.

Hundreds Of Users Commented On The Post, Adding Their Own Perspectives.

Many users joked in the comment section.
reddit | Gregphish

Commenters from all over shared their thoughts and theories of what could be inside, with some even sharing message in a bottle stories of their own. In usual internet fashion, though, a lot of people took the time to make jokes. Users joked about extended car warranties and how the bottle was huge and full of enough messages to count as a conversation.

Other Users Connected The Post To Musical References.

More users told more jokes.
reddit | Gregphish

Many commenters were quick to remind the rest of us of the Police song (aptly called Message In a Bottle). Good luck getting that song out of your head today.

The User Posted An Update About What He Ended Up Doing With The Bottle.

OP explains that he didn't open the bottle.
reddit | Gregphish

If you were wondering what might be in the bottle, you may end up disappointed. OP explained that he didn't end up opening it, as the messages surrounding the bottle's contents (which were obscured in the picture) explained that the bottle was a memorial for a deceased loved one.

The user followed the instructions on the bottle and contacted the family that set it out. They were grateful, especially since he put it back in the water.

OP Is Hoping The Bottle May End Up In The Ocean Someday.

The user explains that the bottle was sent out 5 days prior to him finding it.
reddit | Gregphish

The bottle has only been on its journey for less than a week, but the user is hoping it makes its way out of the river and into the ocean someday.

Users commended OP for respecting the family's wishes. What started out as a mystery, ended up being incredibly wholesome.