Human Resource Employees Describe 'Nightmares' They Dealt With

Jordan Claes
Tobey Flenderson in 'The Office'.

The Human Resources department of any company is a lot like the Wild West — as soon as you think you've seen it all, something brand new comes along to knock you right off your horse.

This group of dedicated men and women is forced to put up with an awful lot. So to help show the rest of the world what a day-in-the-life of an HR worker is really like — here are 15 nightmare tales of what Human Resources employees deal with on a daily basis.

Sex, drugs, and the unemployment line.

Lines of cocaine, credit card, and dollar bill.
Unsplash | Colin Davis

Reddit user snotoro claims that their old CEO used to engage in all sorts of sexual escapades with employees, while on company property. Not only that, but they also used to have cocaine delivered on-site!

Cis privilege.

Gay pride parade.
Unsplash | Teddy Österblom

Redditor Whirligig44 was sitting in their company's HR department when a disgruntled employee burst through the door and demanded to be seen. He apparently didn't like the fact that he was "forced" to work with "so many" gays and lesbians.

"I had one employee submit a form to increase her own salary, she also forged her manager's signature. Like, for real?" - Reddit u/VoidDrinker

Sheldon Cooper in 'The Big Bang Theory'.
Giphy | The Big Bang Theory

I admire the tenacity, I really do, but did this person honestly think that there wouldn't be any kind of follow-up?

I hope that they arrested him.

Police officers and police car.
Unsplash | AJ Colores

Reddit user Dr_Kintobor used to work HR in an office where one of the male workers had drilled a peephole into the women's change room, and he was discovered after one of the women noticed a glint of light shining through the wall.

What kind of monster would do such a thing?

David Rose from 'Schitt's Creek'.
Giphy | CBC

"There was a dude in our other facility that was going around and wiping their ass and shoving the shit back up into the toilet paper dispenser so that when the next person goes to reach..." - Reddit u/Antepast8

Where would you even begin?

Pregnant woman making a heart shape on her stomach.
Unsplash | Juan Encalada

Reddit user Evelyntothestars was working HR for a retail company when she received a grievance from one of the store's employees. Apparently, he felt discriminated against after his manager started giving a 7-month pregnant college student one extra 5-minute break per day.

J.R.R. Tolkien would be proud.

Scene from 'Lord of the Rings'.

Reddit user oops_i_mommed_again once had two employees at their manufacturing plant who refused to speak anything except Elvish. They formerly requested that all documents be translated from English to Elvish, and this continued all the way until their termination.

One hand washes the other.

Skeleton thinking.
Unsplash | Mathew Schwartz

In a since-deleted Reddit post, this user claims that their boss used to send injured workers to see his chiropractor girlfriend. After their treatments, she would then release their medical files to him and he, in turn, would pay her for services rendered.

Dial "M" for murder.

Prison row.
Unsplash | Emiliano Bar

Redditor Ohwoof921 claims that they once had somebody commit murder while they were in the middle of their week-long classroom-style training. They continued to come to work until the police arrested the man for the crime in question.

I wonder who won the race?

Forklift in a warehouse.
Unsplash | Pickawood

"The workers had races with those motorized forklifts. One did not know that there was freshly poured concrete. Got the forklift stuck in it, damage was >100.000€ (big foundation for a new storage facility)." - Reddit u/schadavi

Six feet apart.

Woman saying "Get out of my bubble."
Giphy | Ryn Dean

Reddit user mdg_roberts1 recalls a time when one of their employees input a formal complaint about the other. Their reason for doing so was that the employee refused to give them a hug as a formal greeting.

Brutal racist honesty.

Sign decrying racism.
Unsplash | Jon Tyson

Redditor SpiderSchwein was conducting an interview and asked the candidate to describe a time that their attention to detail paid off. Without missing a beat, they replied that they used to work at Sears and would always follow the Black customers around the store in order to prevent them from shoplifting.

He didn't get the job.

Couldn't you wait until you got home?!

Schmidt in 'New Girl' looking disgusted.

Reddit user SixSpeedDriver says that their wife was in the middle of her first week working HR for a hospital. Her first dispute resolution happened after a patient caught one of the janitors pleasuring himself inside his car while parked in the hospital parking lot.

Something clearly isn't right in your head.

Man texting.
Unsplash | NordWood Themes

Redditor lonerchick had the unfortunate task of firing a nurse aide after allegations of abuse were confirmed. Once she was let go, the ex-employee continued to send proactive texts and pornographic images to current employees.

"I had a bookkeeper that paid himself two checks every week. We did not catch it for a year." - Reddit u/Phat3lvis

Lewis from Suits' telling Harvey that he is a genius.
Giphy | Suits

I understand that this is theft at the end of the day, but I can't imagine that it would be easy trying to retrieve that money back. How could payroll not have known?!