20 Weird Things People Found That Left Them Mystified

Case with radiation warning on it
reddit | tomrlutong

Sometimes, it's tough to tell what the intended purpose of a device is. Whether you choose to shrug and move on or photograph it and ask the internet is entirely up to you.

If you do opt for the latter option, though, you'll want to put it up on the r/whatisthisthing subreddit. It's a near-guarantee that you'll get an answer.

"UK here. Why is there a 'Super Antenna' glued onto a drain cover? Drain is stamped with 'FH' and sprayed blue just off shot, this antenna is glued down tight."

Monitoring device attached to a drain cover
reddit | Hullian111

This is a monitoring system for something related to the sewer — likely water levels, gas buildup, or general water flow.

"Trailer with a submarine-resembling container with portholes parked on the grounds of a public swimming pool."

A portable water tank for training
reddit | Murmerlurmeli

This is a fun one. It isn't a submarine, but it's related to the water. When filled with water, it's a mobile way for trainees to practice using underwater breathing devices.

"What is this foldy metal thing attached to the side of my back porch?"

A can crusher mounted to a porch
reddit | hastalanever

This probably looks a lot more interesting than it actually is. It's a simple can crusher: drink a soda, pop the can in this thing, and pull the lever to crush it.

"Wooden chute covered with beams near Durango, Colorado."

An old flume
reddit | andybogo

This is a flume, basically an old-school small-scale railway, that can carry small items. In this case, it was built to carry water from Cascade Creek into Electra Lake.

"Pair of hinge-looking objects on fireplace mantle of former US ambassador to NATO."

Door hinges set on a mantle
reddit | Wanan1

If you looked at this thing (there's another on the left side) and thought, "That looks exactly like a door hinge," you'd be entirely correct. As for why they're up there? No idea. Clearly they're a conversation starter and have possible sentimental value.

"Found this 133gr (~0,3lbs) gold-looking thing buried about 20 years ago in Coșereni, Ialomița County, Romania."

An antique Middle Eastern dish
reddit | chii456

I can't give a ton of details on this one, but I can give an eBay description. According to this auction, it's an "Antique brass Middle Eastern hand crafted figural story teller tray dish plate."

That's a mouthful.

"Plastic (dispenser?) Unit, two parts, blue and clear unknown origin."

Toilet bowl cleaner
reddit | JA307020IIII

This wasn't familiar to me, but it turns out it's just one of those toilet bowl cleaners that you attach to the inside of the bowl. It's just in a different form factor.

"Black, plastic, button-actuated, battery-powered thing with an LED on it."

Stud finder
reddit | raul2010

This probably looks at least vaguely familiar to anyone who's ever drilled into their walls. It's a stud finder from Amazon Basics.

"What is this game in a playground?"

A tabletop game in a playground
reddit | YAKeyboardWarrior

We know that this game is called Vagabond, but the rules are too weird to get into here. If you're intrigued, there's more info here.

"What is this thing on my balcony? It can swivel up and down but I have no idea what it might be used for."

Clothes hanger on an outdoor wall
reddit | hagosantaclaus

This is actually something that would be super handy to have on a balcony. It's for hanging clothes, and if there's another one on an opposite wall, a clothesline can be strung between them.

"Small ceramic cup-like item bearing a cross."

Small ceramic cup with a cross on it
reddit | Bigbadbeardiebabe

The cross here is a bit of a giveaway. You might find something like this in a Catholic household. Fill it with holy water, then dip your fingers in it before you cross yourself.

"What is this weaved object hanging on the wall of my local pub? I vaguely remember one hanging in my grandparents old house as well."

Wicker dust beater
reddit | Doctoroflight

This is one of those now-antiquated tools that used to be commonplace. It's a rug beater (I think that's the name, at least), and its intended purpose is to beat dust out of rugs.

"What are these dark trails? They appear anywhere in the house but particularly the lounge/dining/kitchen walls, often up high. Washes off easily with water."

Thin marks on white walls
reddit | eivelyn

If you looked at this and thought "bug poo," give yourself a gold star. We're not sure what bugs, specifically, this came from. All we know is that it's gross.

"Insanely heavy glass with (bubbles?) inside, inscription says 1978. Any idea what this is or just a random decoration item?"

A glass paperweight
reddit | TheBrickBuilder

This one's fun because OP really, really didn't want to believe the answer. But the answer is, simply, a paperweight. I have one that looks almost exactly the same.

"This metal 'ring' was in every toilet in a hospital. No search I have done was able to locate a match or answer."

Small metal ring in toilet
reddit | sassyclassychassy

If you work in a certain type of facility, you know exactly what's going on here: those devices are there to stop flushable wipes from being flushed down the toilet.

"What is this thing found at a thrift store? It has removable pins with beads at the end of the pins. I was thinking maybe something for your hair?"

A vintage cocktail pick
reddit | vanatics

This classy looking object is a vintage appetizer server. Known as a 'cocktail pick,' it dispenses little pointy picks that can be used to stab into and pick up appetizers.

"What is the intended purpose of this very thin, glass covered drawer?"

A thin drawers covered with glass
reddit | Smokinsumsweet

This is a practical idea I haven't seen before: the glass surface is there so cups and dishes can be set down without leaving rings or stains on the tabletop itself.

"Cutouts above all doors in house. They are finished and doors don’t extend into the cutout. No holes or other indicators of something being mounted on the ceiling."

Extended cutouts over door frames
reddit | jcain8

I thought this was maybe just a modification for very tall people, but it's more likely that the cutouts were made to enable installation of a track, which would help a disabled person move around the house.

"My neighbor just installed this outside of their window. I assume it measures something but I have never seen such a pole."

Antenna outside a window
reddit | tzt1234

This is clearly an antenna, but what's it for? It seems that it's for trading a cryptocurrency called Helium. It operates on a low frequency. No idea why it's upside down.

"Seven foot tube with radiation warning on top of car."

Case with radiation warning on it
reddit | tomrluton

It looks like a radon detection tube, but that doesn't explain the various warning stickers. It's most likely just a case with some stickers thrown on as a joke.

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