Skinny-Shaming in the Office?! Woman's UNBELIEVABLE Story

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🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy office drama on our hands! 🍿 Meet our skinny queen, a 25-year-old gal who's been blessed with a speedy metabolism and a love for healthy eats. 🥗 She's never had to worry about packing on the pounds, even during her PopTart-filled college days! 🍩 But now, there's a new coworker in town, and she's got a serious case of skinny-shaming syndrome. 😱 Get ready for a wild ride as we dive into this epic battle of the bulge! 💪

🙋‍♀️ Skinny Gal's Struggle: The Office Bully Strikes Again! 😱

adventurous-yam2331 | adventurous-yam2331

🍔 Obesity Epidemic: It's Not Just About 'Move More, Eat Less' 🍟

adventurous-yam2331 | adventurous-yam2331

🍰 No Judging Here: I Don't Care What You Eat! 🍩

adventurous-yam2331 | adventurous-yam2331

🥗 Enter Diane: The Overweight Office Bully 😠

adventurous-yam2331 | adventurous-yam2331

🥬 Salad Shaming: Apparently I Have an Eating Disorder! 🤦‍♀️

adventurous-yam2331 | adventurous-yam2331

💔 Single Shaming: Men Don't Like Skinny Girls? 🤨

adventurous-yam2331 | adventurous-yam2331

🍕 Metabolism Envy: It Must Be Nice to Eat Whatever You Want! 🙄

adventurous-yam2331 | adventurous-yam2331

😢 Enough is Enough: I Can't Take the Harassment Anymore 😭

adventurous-yam2331 | adventurous-yam2331

🗣️ I've Tried Everything: Firm, Polite, Ignoring... Nothing Works! 😤

adventurous-yam2331 | adventurous-yam2331

🚨 HR is Useless: 'This Isn't Harassment' 🙅‍♀️

adventurous-yam2331 | adventurous-yam2331

🎃 Spoopy Rice Krispie Treats: An October Tradition 🍬

adventurous-yam2331 | adventurous-yam2331

😈 The Final Straw: 'If You Ate Like Me...' 😈

adventurous-yam2331 | adventurous-yam2331

😳 Am I the A-hole? Another Coworker Thinks So! 😰

adventurous-yam2331 | adventurous-yam2331

🤬 Discrimination Debate: Can Skinny Shaming Compare to Racism? 🤔

adventurous-yam2331 | adventurous-yam2331

😕 Skinny Privilege Check: I Don't Know the Full Extent of Fat Discrimination 🤷‍♀️

adventurous-yam2331 | adventurous-yam2331

😈 Skinny Gal Claps Back: 'If You Ate Like Me, You'd Look Like Me!' 😈

Well, well, well... looks like our skinny queen finally had enough of Diane's constant harassment! 😤 After months of being called anorexic, unnatural, and unattractive to men, she finally snapped back with a zinger: 'If you ate like me, you'd probably look like me.' 💥 BOOM! Mic drop moment, am I right? 🎤 But wait, not everyone thinks our gal was justified in her comeback. 😳 Another coworker accused her of being hurtful and compared it to using a racial slur! 😱 Yikes, talk about a sticky situation. 😅 Let's see what the internet has to say about this skinny vs. fat showdown! 🥊

Don't tolerate bullying, regardless of someone's size. 💪

jaidenlm | jaidenlm

NTA stands up to workplace body-shaming, offers HR legal ultimatum 💪

Smitty1216 | Smitty1216

Standing up to body-shaming comments in the workplace 😤👊

Larock | Larock

Woman stands up to body-shaming coworker and gets accused of 'using a racial slur.' NTA.

zparrowhawk | zparrowhawk

NTA. HR is wrong. Coworker commenting on body = hostile work environment. 👏

Throwawayrightaway28 | Throwawayrightaway28

Standing up to workplace harassment: NTA, take it to HR 🚫👩‍💼

eugenesnewdream | eugenesnewdream

Skinny-shaming is real and hurtful. NTA for feeling that way.

reality_junkie_xo | reality_junkie_xo

Overcoming skinny-shaming and learning about nutrition. NTA 😊

milkandket | milkandket

NTA shuts down fat-shaming comparison, hopes for Diane's change ❤️

hdarj | hdarj

Defending against workplace body-shaming. NTA!

[deleted] | [deleted]

A former 'skinny' person shares her experience with weight shaming.

CoronaFunTime | CoronaFunTime

ESH situation escalates to hurtful comments. HR also at fault 😔

bumcat33 | bumcat33

Standing up for yourself against body shaming is important 👏

ccfenix | ccfenix

NTA stands up against skinny-shaming coworkers. 💪

DankMemesMateus | DankMemesMateus

Thin person defends herself against accusations of toxic dieting 🍽️

MofugginBatman | MofugginBatman

Body-shaming comment sparks controversy and backlash. 🤨

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up to workplace harassment for being skinny. NTA

InternalEmu1477 | InternalEmu1477

Standing up to a skinny-shamer. Not the a**hole.

HereFishyFishy4444 | HereFishyFishy4444

Standing up to a bully: NTA for calling out skinny-shaming 👏

mangobbt | mangobbt

Harassment is harassment, no matter what it's about. 🙌

MorgainofAvalon | MorgainofAvalon

How to handle workplace harassment and collect evidence. 👍

katsukatsuyuuri | katsukatsuyuuri

Woman's hard work to lose weight is met with jealousy and comments.

renwizzle | renwizzle

Body-shaming disguised as a 'compliment' is still body-shaming 🚫👎

kittybluth | kittybluth

Body positivity applies to all sizes. NTA for standing up.

lululovebox | lululovebox

Standing up against toxic behavior is always the right move 💪

tnscatterbrain | tnscatterbrain

Skinny-shaming vs fat-shaming debate gets heated in the workplace 😠🍔🏋️‍♀️

michtttttt | michtttttt

NTA shuts down genetics excuse for being overweight 🙅‍♀️

arnie54321 | arnie54321

Stand up for yourself and shut down body-shamers! 💪🚫

PeacefulSilence00 | PeacefulSilence00

Double standards of weight-shaming explained 👀

[deleted] | [deleted]

Defending oneself against body-shaming coworker 🙅‍♀️ NTA

[deleted] | [deleted]

Body shaming co-worker is unacceptable. Consider legal action. 💪

perhapsnew | perhapsnew

NTA. Skinny shaming is as harmful as fat shaming. Document everything.

maniacalgleam | maniacalgleam

Bodybuilder defends OP, argues body fat fair game. NTA.

Lil_Robert | Lil_Robert

Formerly obese commenter supports NTA verdict against workplace skinny-shaming.

Raymundw | Raymundw

Defending a super skinny woman against a rude comment 🙅‍♀️🍔


A powerful message against weight shaming 👏

Ginja_Ninja2 | Ginja_Ninja2

Thin woman faces office skinny-shaming, receives sarcastic backlash.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA stands up against skinny-shaming and calls out double standards 👏

Impressive-Oven-5640 | Impressive-Oven-5640

Defending against 'landwhale' comparison, suggesting HR action. NTA.

deadhoe9 | deadhoe9

NTA! Skinny-shaming is not okay, great comeback 👏👍

daddelaar | daddelaar

NTA defends against skinny-shaming and calls out HR's inaction 🙅‍♀️

annsachd | annsachd

Being thin doesn't always mean being healthy. NTA but ESH.

bichonborealis | bichonborealis

Fat positivity toxic, NTA for standing up to nosy coworker 👏

Cutiepie_Senpai | Cutiepie_Senpai

Standing up to toxic fat positivity at the workplace 💪

Cutiepie_Senpai | Cutiepie_Senpai

Standing up to toxic coworkers: NTA for going to HR 💪

jazzcasino | jazzcasino

Calling out body-shaming coworkers like a boss 💪 #NTA

Horror-mrs | Horror-mrs

Standing up to workplace harassment 👏💪

Deku949 | Deku949

NTA. Fat person defends OP, suggests leaving job, HR training needed. 🤔

WandersongWright | WandersongWright

Stand up to workplace bullies! NTA and HR needs improvement.

pineapple1347 | pineapple1347

Don't dish it if you can't take it 🙅‍♀️

ArtfullyStupid | ArtfullyStupid

NTA, but office unlikely to agree. Diane lacks accountability for weight.

Pascalle112 | Pascalle112

Don't dish out comments on people's plates 🍲

LoonyCupcake | LoonyCupcake

Empathetic NTA comment shuts down fat-shaming coworker's negativity.

mmm-good | mmm-good

NTA, Standing up against body shaming, but what's next?

kostis12345 | kostis12345

Fighting back against skinny-shaming and workplace bullies! 💪

IamGroot4263 | IamGroot4263

Body-shaming is never okay. NTA. She needs therapy.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Skinny-shaming is real and worse than fat-shaming. NTA for speaking up.

technoboob | technoboob

Standing up to skinny-shaming in the office. ✊

justlookinaround20 | justlookinaround20

Stand up for yourself and others! NTA in this case 👏

miasabine | miasabine

Formerly obese man calls out toxic body positivity culture. 👏

DyingDarkness | DyingDarkness

Standing up to a skinny-shamer, NTA wins this round 🙌

illegalrooftopbar | illegalrooftopbar

Stop skinny-shaming! It's not a compliment, it's harmful. 🚫

[deleted] | [deleted]

Body positivity means appreciating all body types, even thin ones 😊

littlepinkpwnie | littlepinkpwnie

NTA stands up to skinny-shaming in toxic office environment 👏

frenziedmonkey | frenziedmonkey

Body-shaming rant against coworker and fat people. 😡

Aatropabelladonna | Aatropabelladonna

Shut down body shaming politely with a firm message. ✋

broke_reflection | broke_reflection

NTA shuts down skinny-shamer with logical explanation 🙅‍♀️

Sprocket48 | Sprocket48

Being patient with a colleague's insecurities. 🤝

Child_of_Gloom | Child_of_Gloom

Don't complain about others if you won't work on yourself 💪

the-tennismaster | the-tennismaster

Struggling with being skinny is real. Double standards exist. 😤

michaelbbq | michaelbbq

Body-shaming co-worker and unhelpful HR; NTA for speaking up. 🚫👩‍⚖️

RamenNoodles620 | RamenNoodles620

Document everything and make a formal complaint to HR 💼📝👀

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dealing with workplace skinny-shaming: talk to HR and document everything. 🚫🍔

Impossible_Town984 | Impossible_Town984

Body-shamed coworker gets taste of her own medicine. NTA 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Empathetic NTA comment advocates seeking legal help for harassment.

chrystalight | chrystalight

NTA. Body-shaming is never okay, report it to HR 👊

fuzzyloulou | fuzzyloulou

Stand up for yourself and report the escalating skinny-shaming behavior! ✊

Pretend-Panda | Pretend-Panda

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