Lunchtime Showdown: HR Boss DEMANDS Employee Toss 'Smelly' Indian Food 🍛😠

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🚨 Lunchtime Drama Alert! 🚨 Buckle up, folks, because we've got a spicy story straight from the office breakroom! 🌶️🏢 Our poor protagonist just wanted to enjoy some tasty birthday leftovers, but the HR director had other plans. 😱 Get ready for a tale of cold samosas, icy glares, and a seriously stinky situation! 👃🗑️ Let's dive in and see if our hungry hero is the a**hole in this savory saga! 🍛🤔

🎉 Birthday Bash Leftovers! 🍛

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🏃‍♀️ Running Late & Samosa Snack 🥟

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🥶 Cold Samosas to Avoid Spicy Scent 🌶️

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🏢 Back at the Desk, Munching Away 🍴

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❄️ HR Director's Icy Inquiry 🥶

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😨 Scared & Seeking Validation 😰

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🙅‍♀️ Coworker Confirms No Stink 👃

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🙏 Apologetic & Confused 🤔

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🗑️ Samosas Meet Their Demise 💀

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🍛 Samosa Showdown: HR Director vs. Birthday Leftovers! 🥟🚨

Well, well, well... looks like our office worker's lunchtime turned into a full-blown spicy spectacle! 🌶️🍛 The HR director's nose was apparently assaulted by the scent of cold samosas, and she wasn't having it. 👃🙅‍♀️ Despite our hungry hero's best efforts to keep the spice under wraps, the HR director demanded the samosas be tossed in the trash! 🗑️💀 Talk about a waste of delicious birthday leftovers! 😭🎉 But the real question is... was our protagonist the a**hole for bringing Indian food to work? 🤔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this savory situation! 🌐💬

Throwing away lunch? Not cool. Report HR boss 🙅

thebabes2 | thebabes2

Stand up against discrimination and file complaints to the top 💪

havartna | havartna

Report HR to a meaner boss for unacceptable behavior 👀

[deleted] | [deleted]

Defend your right to eat samosas at work, report her!

poeadam | poeadam

Standing up to unreasonable demands in the workplace 💪

ArcheryOnThursday | ArcheryOnThursday

NTA defends samosas and calls out HR boss's racism 🍛

FoolMe1nceShameOnU | FoolMe1nceShameOnU

Defend samosas and report racism 🤯

Future-Jury8212 | Future-Jury8212

Stand up for your rights! File a complaint. NTA 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Defending Indian cuisine against discrimination. 🍛

Ocean_Spice | Ocean_Spice

Don't waste food, stand up for yourself! YTA but NTA

Top-Passion-1508 | Top-Passion-1508

Stand up to racism at work, speak out against power trips 👊

JadieJang | JadieJang

Standing up for yourself and your food choices 🙌

nope-111 | nope-111

Eating in designated area can prevent smell-related conflicts. 👍

Sandman0312 | Sandman0312

HR directors can be awful people 😑 Glad to find allies. NTA

SubjectiveAssertive | SubjectiveAssertive

NTA. HR Boss racially targets Indian food. Contact her boss directly 😠

MmeHomebody | MmeHomebody

HR lady bans Indian food, but heats up fish instead?? NTA

Mirewen15 | Mirewen15

Standing up against xenophobia in the workplace 💪🏻

[deleted] | [deleted]

"No, I will not throw out MY food" - Employee stands up for themselves 💪

W1ldT1m | W1ldT1m

Discrimination at lunchtime? NTA should file a complaint.

Select-Anxiety-1557 | Select-Anxiety-1557

Defend your lunch! Don't let the HR boss win! 😠

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Bring samosas for lunch and microwave them near her.

ElDia13 | ElDia13

Employee stands up to boss's discriminatory behavior. Report her ASAP! 🚨

Flowtac | Flowtac

NTA for avoiding the smell, but tossing food is wasteful 🙅

pensaha | pensaha

NTA. Samosas are mild. HR looking for outrage 😠

BitingCatWisdom | BitingCatWisdom

Eat what you want, but be considerate of others' sensitivities 😊

DreamingofRlyeh | DreamingofRlyeh

Standing up for cultural acceptance, NTA suggests reporting HR.

Susan_Werner | Susan_Werner

Stand up against food shaming and food waste 🍛😡

GingerYetBrunette | GingerYetBrunette

NTA needs to file a complaint against the HR boss 😠

SpookyReadingGirl | SpookyReadingGirl

Racism or Allergy? Trash can't stop smell, eating would help 🍛🗑

followthepost-its | followthepost-its

Racism and bullying in the workplace, unacceptable behavior. #NTA

[deleted] | [deleted]

Respectful response suggesting a solution to the situation. 👍

TheFilthyDIL | TheFilthyDIL

HR boss demands no smelly food, even unheated Indian snacks? NTA

CalGuy81 | CalGuy81

Employee stands up to racist HR boss over 'smelly' food 💪

CraftySnow4922 | CraftySnow4922

Stand up for your rights! NTA, report to higher-ups 💪

Additional_Okra637 | Additional_Okra637

Bigoted HR boss forces employee to throw away Indian food 😡

Glittering_Mail7068 | Glittering_Mail7068

Fight back! File complaints and report the abusive HR boss 🚫🍛

InternationalOil540 | InternationalOil540

Stand up for yourself and report her to her superior 👊

adventureawaits27 | adventureawaits27

Document the hostility and discrimination at work 👀

Live_Professional_83 | Live_Professional_83

Defending against HR's discriminatory demands. Toxicity at workplace 😠

GoodBad626 | GoodBad626

Report the HR Director for power abuse! NTA 🚫👩‍💼

DisneyBuckeye | DisneyBuckeye

HR director demands employee toss Indian food; commenter suggests reporting her

Infamous_Umpire_393 | Infamous_Umpire_393

Defending against abusive HR advisor, suggestions for official notes. 👍

Strangley_unstrange | Strangley_unstrange

NTA. HR created a toxic environment by harassing over lunch choices.

SirMittensOfTheHill | SirMittensOfTheHill

Employee refuses to throw away Indian lunch, takes a stand 💪

unled_horse | unled_horse

Don't let anyone tell you what to eat! 😍

JupiterLocal | JupiterLocal

Why should I eat sad food at work? 🤷‍♀️

madbiologist42 | madbiologist42

Employee stands up to power tripping boss over Indian food 🍛

WetMonkeyTalk | WetMonkeyTalk

Petty coworkers can make lunchtime a battle of wills 😠

gorwraith | gorwraith

Report racist boss to HR for forcing employee to waste food.

TheWanderingMedic | TheWanderingMedic

Defending the samosas and standing up against food discrimination 🍟💪

triciann | triciann

Employee stands up to HR's lunch demand, suggests reporting her

HanaMashida | HanaMashida

Disposing 'smelly' food at desk, YTA HR boss! 😠

samantha5822 | samantha5822

Neighbor's Indian food smell grew on me 🍛😌

superfatman1991 | superfatman1991

Engaging response questioning the effectiveness of throwing food away.

IAmAnInternetGod | IAmAnInternetGod

Food shaming backfires on HR boss. NTA wins lunchtime showdown 🍛

Just-Another-Poster- | Just-Another-Poster-

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