12+ People Just Making Their Own Fun

We all need a daily dose of fun in our lives, but sometimes you gotta be creative to make that happen. It's all too easy to end up bored, so why not think outside the box?

Today, we're looking at all kinds of people who made fun happen in their own way, big or small. However they did it, it was always good for a laugh! Check it out!

1. Smells like success!

Instagram | @will_ent

This is definitely one of those "when life hands ya lemons" situations. In this case, those lemons are extreme heat and the lemonade is fresh cookies — so there's really no losing here.

2. "Yer a wizerd, Harvey."

Instagram | @lester

Not that I'd be 100% against this casting choice, but it sure would've made the story play out differently, huh? It'd basically be all the death eaters telling him what Harry's been up to, then it'd cut to a reaction shot of his eyebrows raising really high.

3. That's a spicy meat-a-ball!

Instagram | @kalesalad

Fun dog fact, this breed can also be a good substitute if you've ever lose your pom-poms for cheerleading. I guess they can work for all types of things, really, depending on your perspective, of course.

4. "Do as I say, not as I do." —every dad.

Instagram | @kalesalad

You might not even realize it sometimes, but the heart wants what it wants — and we all know it wants a good doggo. Don't deny yourself this gift!

5. Kids always know how to have a good time.

Instagram | @kalesalad

That mix of guilt and pride on her face says it all. I guess they'll have to raise her allowance, huh?

6. This kid gets it.

The Chive | The Chive

No matter who you are, you've got a talent somewhere inside of you. Sleeping is up there for me, but I also excel at late-night snacking.

7. Just wilin' out at the phone store.

Instagram | @kalesalad

You can't tell a kid to stop when he's on a streak like that! He doesn't even care who he's sending this to, he's roastin' anyone!

8. Sometimes it's the little things that matter most.

Instagram | Instagram

Always cool to have a funny, personalized wallpaper for your phone. Every message just seems a little bit nicer...even that one.

9. I feel like this couple is paired perfectly and will age well together. 

Reddit | Loveinthemud

Sure, it might look a little weird if there's ever a time that you're not standing together — but whatever, that's half the fun.

10. Now that's a sexy Halloween costume.

Imgur | soididthisthing

Yeah, literally. At least it beats my sexy costume from last year: sexy David Spade. Apparently, not a lot of people find him all that sexy. I know, surprising.

11. Let's face it, that's a sweet bag.

The Chive | The Chive

Well, at least you'll have no problem identifying which one is yours at the airport. I'm just wondering why the cover looks like it could also be used as a swimsuit.

12. Speaking of good faces in new places...

Instagram | Instagram

You've got to appreciate a prank that's done so well. Like, I'd totally believe that was just a regular commercial shoot for McDonald's.

13. The more I think about it, the more Thanos made sense.

The Chive | The Chive

Sure, Thanos was a madman who solved his problems through violence — but have you ever been in a traffic jam for over an hour?! I get it.

14. Why not delve into the world of film criticism? 

Instagram | @will_ent

I'm thankful for reviews like these that keep me from wasting my time. I've still found no useful advice for killing mockingbirds in that Gregory Peck flick.

15. ♫ Never meant to burn all that stir-fry, I will try again with rice. 

Instagram | @insta.single

_Me and your restaurant, got a special thing goin' on.
You say it's open, I pop in for soup and prawns..._♫

16. And sometimes the world just works out for ya.

The Chive | The Chive

Clearly, the universe wanted her to enjoy her day. That's why I went and bought a shirt that says, "Write Well." Still hasn't worked yet, but I'm hopeful.

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